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The brothers leaned forward on the balcony to get a
better look.
The usual expression of cold superiority stamped on
the man's features was completely absent. Instead, the duke
looked down at the man on his arm with open adoration, a
sappy smile crossing his normally hard features.
The duke's arm around another man in public
displayed an unprecedented level of affection. Previous
lovers of the duke had complained loudly the man would
barely look at them in front of others.
"Fuck me, he's gorgeous." His brother's comment
drew Raiston's attention away from the duke and to the
man tucked tightly to the duke's side.
His brain short-circuited, and his cock hardened at
seeing the duke's companion gliding beside the larger man
with feral grace. Tawny hair in a zillion shades of gold and
brown covered an elegantly formed head. High cheekbones
and a narrow chin gave the young man a sweet winsome
quality. Rai longed to lick the man all over to discover if he
tasted as sugary as he looked.
Mate Hunt Amber Kell
Inside, his dragon woke with a roar.
"I'm so screwed," he whispered. In none of the
previous mate hunts had he ever felt this level of desire for
another person, and to have it be the one man the duke had
chosen for his own was a special kind of torture. Today,
he'd even given thought to maybe turning to women.
Raiston turned to the servant waiting at his side.
"Bring me Zellyn," he commanded.
The servant scurried off.
"Rai, what are you doing?" His brother's eyes
sparkled with mischief as if he could read Rai's thoughts.
"Getting my mate."
Lewn looked from Raiston to the duke. "Oh, please
tell me you aren't doing what I think you are. You aren't
going to try and steal the duke's mate?"
"I'm not going to try," he announced. "I'm going to
The rare moment of silence from his brother
stretched out until finally he spoke in quiet stunned tones.
"What do you need me to do?"
Rai smiled. "Have I mentioned lately how much I
appreciate you?"
Lewn laughed. "Remember that the next time I need
a favor."
Mate Hunt Amber Kell
* * * *
Bored with waiting in line, Jory watched the people
around him for entertainment. Apparently all types attended
the festival. Men, women, and creatures he'd never even
seen or heard of crowded the massive hall.
"Wow. I didn't realize there would be so much
variety." Jory eyes widened as he took in the crowds.
"What did you expect?"
Jory shrugged. "The way my father talked about it I
thought it was a bunch of guys like me trying to find mates.
I didn't realize there would be women and other beings
too." He didn't mention his father's goal of using him for a
political alliance. He didn't care if he made an alliance or
not. His goal was to find someone to call his own.
"Everyone wants a mate." Val's serious tone
brought Jory's attention back to the other man, but Val's
eyes were scanning the crowds so he couldn't see his
Returning his attention to the people surrounding
them, Jory jerked back when he saw all eyes were on him.
At home, everyone knew him so he drew few stares.
"Why are they all staring?"
Val laughed. "Because "
Mate Hunt Amber Kell
"Good afternoon, Val."
A tall man approached. The man's smooth caramel
skin was a striking contrast to his dark red hair. The look
worked well for him.
"Good afternoon, Z." Val sounded a little wary. He
tightened his grip on Jory a bit. Not painful, but definitely
firm. Jory wondered why this man made Val nervous.
"Prince Lewn wishes to speak with you."
"Tell the prince I'm busy."
Z gave a wry smile. "Sorry, Val, he said it was
important. If you like I can watch your boy for you."
Val looked at the redhead for so long the other man
started to shift his feet in his place. "Watch him very
carefully, Z. If harm comes to him, I won't be responsible
for my actions." The low growl in his voice made the other
man stand up straighter.
"I promise I'll take good care of him."
"See that you do."
Before Jory could protest about being assigned a
babysitter, Val's mouth swooped down and covered his in a
kiss so carnal he almost jumped him right there in front of
everyone. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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