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 I understand. I hate it, but I understand why you re doing it.
She wanted to suggest he come with her, but that was an option he needed to come
to on his own. She wouldn t beg him not to leave her, even though her heart was
breaking with each passing second.  These past weeks have been the best of my life. I
He swept her into his arms and silenced her with a demanding kiss.  Don t you
dare say goodbye to me. I am not nearly ready to let you go. There has to be a
compromise, a situation that will& 
Buzzing erupted in her ears, drowning out the rest of his sentence. She squeezed
her eyes shut and pressed her fists to her temples as emotions and sensations blasted
into her mind. Terror, raw and brittle, sliced through her being. Aiden called her name,
carefully shaking her by the shoulders.
She didn t understand the source, but it didn t matter. Her gift compelled her into
motion. She flew from his office and dashed through the infirmary, ignoring the staff s
startled gasps. Aiden was right behind her when she reached the corridor.
 What s wrong? What do you sense?
Aubrey Ross
 Danger and fear, she forced the words past the ringing in her head.  Someone is
in trouble. With no further explanation she ran to the lift and paused to focus the
sensations, gather a clearer picture of the situation.  Crew quarters, near the cargo
 Deck Nine. The lift responded to his command and his arm slipped around her
waist, steadying her as the car descended.  Security to Deck Nine. Immediately!
Two burly guards joined the small procession as Felicia led them down the
corridor. The emotions spiked, pain stabbing deep into her body.  There! He s in there!
She pointed to the next door on the left as the pain drove her to her knees.
The guards rushed past them, announcing their presence before manually
overriding the privacy lock. A female s scream echoed in the hallway as the door slid
open then an irate male demanded,  What is the meaning of this?
Fury drove Felicia to her feet as she recognized Perion s voice. The guards had him
pinned against the wall when she rushed through the door, but her gaze flew to the girl
huddled in the corner, sobbing. Felicia snatched a blanket off the bed and draped it
around the victim s shoulders, kneeling by her side.
 It s all right. No one will hurt you now. You are safe.
The girl raised her tormented gaze and tears blurred Felicia s vision.  I screamed
and screamed, but no one came. Why did they do this to me?
They? The word filled Felicia with dread. Why had her gift taken so long to engage?
She d sensed the girl s peril, but not soon enough to prevent the deplorable crime. She
wrapped her arms around the girl, aching with regret.  It is not your fault. None of this
was your fault.
 But they said 
 It does not matter what anyone said. You are not to blame.
Unable to restrain her fury any longer, Felicia flung herself across the cabin and
confronted Perion.  You fucking pervert! She punctuated the label with her fist. His
head snapped to the side and blood gushed from his nose. His startled scream only
fueled her anger.
 What is going on here! Xyell s voice cracked like a whip, silencing everything but
the girl s soft sobbing and Perion s moans.  I demand an explanation.
Panting, blood dripping from her hand, she turned toward the doorway.
 You tell me, Ambassador Xyell. Aiden s tone was every bit as autocratic.  Why is
this man not in stasis and why was he allowed to brutalize this girl?
 Allowed? I resent the implication. They faced off through the open doorway,
Aiden on the inside and Xyell in the corridor.  The priest has been helping me assign
residences in the new city. His knowledge of the social structure of the city is
invaluable. Obviously, he did not have my permission to harm anyone.
Perion s struggle suddenly resumed and he screamed at Xyell.  You brought her to
me! Your cum still wet on her thighs!
 Clearly he is deluded. I ve been nowhere near this girl. Ask her.
Felicia moved closer to the doorway, shaking with barely suppressed rage.  Then [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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