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before he fell asleep. And it meant another phone call home. He hesitated calling this early but he knew his
friend s private line went to his office. He could always leave a message, but he had a feeling Bryce would be
 Powers. A strong voice answered immediately.
 Hey, Buckshot.
 Well, I ll be damned, the low voice said, then chuckled.  It s the Cartwright Kid.
Landon wanted to grin at the familiar use of their childhood nicknames, but the heaviness in his heart wouldn t
allow it.  How you doing, Bryce?
 Same as always. Living large, loving life, thanks to the triplets up at this godawful hour. Geez, it s been forever
since we talked. Don t tell me you re home?
 No, I m not.
A long pause filled the air.  Okay, at least tell me you ve talked to your brother recently. We re meeting for
lunch later today.
Landon went on alert.  We talked last night. Is something wrong?
 No, strictly a social thing. MaryAnn wants to show off the girls and try to fix up your brother with one of her
friends. Now, you want to tell me why you re calling at the butt-crack of dawn? Is it dawn where you are?
Landon watched as the sun broke over the horizon.  Yeah, it is. I m sorry I called so early. I don t have any right
to ask, but I need your help.
 Hey, no time or distance 
 Or evil varmint or wanton saloon girl can come between the Daredevil Duo. Landon s words joined Bryce s as
they recited their childhood oath together. The reminder of their lifelong friendship had him blinking away a
sudden stinging in his eyes. He quickly blamed the bright sunrise.
Bryce Powers, one of the winningest lawyers in the state of Texas, had refused to give up on him after he was
found guilty. He d worked tirelessly to prove the fire that took Sara and Jenna wasn t an act of arson, but a
horrific accident, resulting in Landon getting his freedom back.
A freedom he couldn t convince himself he deserved.
 So, what s up? Bryce asked.
Landon told him about Maggie, the ranch and Kyle Greeley.  It s probably nothing, but I need to know how
much of a threat Greeley is to the Crescent Moon see if anything strikes you the wrong way. If you could keep
this as quiet as possible, I d appreciate it.
 How do I get a hold of you if I find anything?
Landon gave him the cell phone number and said goodbye. He headed for the barn, questioning why he d made
the call. Because Maggie didn t fire his ass when she had every right to? Or because he didn t want to see
another woman and her little girl hurt on his watch?
Black Jack stood quietly at the open doorway of his stall, which connected to the large corral. The moment
Landon moved from under the trees, the wild mustang raced outside.
 Are you coming to say good morning? He moved to the edge of the corral.  Or warn me off?
Black Jack galloped back and forth behind the fence. The closer Landon got the more agitated the horse became.
He stopped, giving the mustang a chance to catch his scent.  See, boy, I m not out to hurt you. No one here is.
The horse reared and shook his head as if he didn t believe him.
 Yeah, I know. But you ve got a good thing here if you re smart enough to realize it. A nice place to sleep, plenty
of grub and if you d get over yourself, there s a couple of pretty fillies inside who d like to get to know you.
Black Jack offered a loud snort in reply and backed away.
 Who am I to be giving advice? Landon mumbled as he made his way into the barn. He checked on G.W., the
words he d said to Black Jack ringing in his head. Hell, was he talking about the animal or himself?
Refusing to allow his mind to go down that road, he let G.W. and the rest of the horses free in the paddock on
the other side of the barn, glad to see his friend fully healed.
As he mucked out the stalls, the whispered words from his nightmare returned.
It was Jenna. She was trying to tell him something with her dying breath. He could hear the husky tone of her
voice, but couldn t make it all out. More likely, he didn t want to understand what she was saying.
Your& fault& Sara& not& me&
He gripped the rack, the veins in his hands pushing tight against his skin.
 Stop, he whispered between clenched teeth.  I know it s my fault. I know I didn t& I couldn t& 
With a pile of dirty hay covering his boots, he gave in and yanked the locket out of his pocket. Opening it, he
looked at the words engraved opposite the picture.
To My Daddy, Love Sara. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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