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 You can t even spell poopy, Gavin replies in a bored voice as his sister Sophia climbs onto
his lap and gets comfortable.
 I can spell poopy! Sophia announces.
 It s called SPOOPY! Drew and Jenny s daughter Veronica announces proudly.
 SPOOP! Billy shouts from his place on the floor in between Jim s daughters.
Everyone stares down at Billy in shock.
 Did he just say spoop? Liz whispers.
 What the hell is spoop? Carter asks.
 Oh my God, our son s first word is spoop?! Jenny screeches as she smacks Drew s arm.
 This is NOT my fault. It s Jackson s fault! Drew argues.
 Do I really have to put that in his baby book? I CANNOT write the word 'spoop', Jenny says.
 I can. I know how to spell spoop, Gavin tells her.
 So do any of you have plans for more children?
All three couples chime in at once and without any hesitation.
 As we close our interview with the women who started Seduction and Snacks and their loving
families, I think it s clear to everyone that this group will remain friends for a very long time. They
will continue to follow their dreams and watch their business grow into something none of them ever
saw coming. They will also share in the joys of watching their children grow up together and form
their own close-knit friendships and who knows, maybe one of them will have a story of their own to
tell us down the road. I have a feeling we haven t heard the last from the gang at Seduction and
The End
Read on for a sneak peek of
A Beautiful Lie
Tara Sivec
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords January 3, 2013
At the sound of laughter and teasing voices, she glanced up from the book she was reading and
brushed her auburn bangs out of her piercing green eyes. She watched the culprits of the interruption
shove and push each other while they walked to the counter of the coffee shop with their backs to her.
They continued behaving like twelve year olds while they placed their orders and moved off to the
side to wait for their coffees. The playful insults they lobbed at each other made her smile wistfully
and reminded her of siblings hiding their closeness and love for one another behind arm punches and
silly name-calling. Not that she had any kind of idea what it was like to have a sibling. Or family,
period. Watching their interaction surprised her by making her long for something she had no
business wanting. There was nothing about her fellow male college students that ever held her
interest. They were immature and annoying and so far, the ones she met only cared about who was
buying the keg for the upcoming party or how quickly they could get to third base. She had too much
at stake and too much invested in her future to waste time with people like that.
Feeling entirely too vulnerable where these strangers were concerned and the emotions they
unwittingly forced into her heart, she pushed her long, wavy hair off of one shoulder and started to put
her head back down to finish reading tonight's Photojournalism homework when one of the guys
turned around. Her eyes locked with his and she felt her heart speed up. He was the type of man that
made you sit up straight and pray to God your make-up still looked good after six hours of classes. He
made you blush and want to look over your shoulder to see if he was really looking at you or a
prettier girl behind you.
He wore faded jeans that hung low on his hips and a long-sleeved grey Hollister shirt.
Regardless of his obvious college student status, he was all man. He easily reached six feet and
while he wasn t your typical, muscled jock, she could see the strength in his arms as he flexed to heft
his backpack higher on one shoulder. The defined muscles of his chest stretched across the cotton
fabric of his fitted shirt and made her hands itch with the need to smooth her palms against him or
trace the word  Hollister with the tips of her fingers just to feel the heat from his skin. He absently
nodded his head at something his friend said, never taking his bright blue eyes off of her as he ran his
long fingers through his short, midnight black hair.
She willed him to come over to her table and talk to her. She wanted to hear his voice and
know if it would affect her even half as much as his stare did. Just the sound of his laughter, deep and
unreserved, forced a tingle down her spine and shocked her again when she realized it sounded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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