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other woman in all the known universes. Who
was she to turn away such a precious gift? Liana
licked her lower lip in anticipation.
Ryan groaned.  Hold that thought, little one.
We re almost at the meeting place so we ll have to
Ryan s Hope
explore the heated looks you re throwing at me
after our meeting. Though, how I m going to keep
my hands off you that long, I can t imagine. You ve
blasted through whatever will to resist I may have had
when your pussy starting spilling out such a luscious
and beguiling scent. It s mouthwatering, and my beast
wants to wallow, to bathe himself in it.
Liana s entire body quivered in reaction to his
words, to his emotions. She could feel his beast
rubbing up against his human skin, anxious to
touch and be touched. She could sense Ryan s
struggle to give her the space and time she d need
to come to terms with having a mate. She could
feel his body s demand that he claim her now,
before something happened to tear them apart
before ever experiencing the bonding of one mate
to another. She could also feel his absolute
conviction that she was his and that he would
fight to the death to keep her and any children
they may have safe from the Black Rose. He
would never allow anyone to harm her. Ever. His
loyalty to the Chantrean people, to the faceless
victims waiting for rescue, had swung her way
completely in the course of one afternoon, when
he d thought he d lost her before ever getting to
know her.
 Then today, after the others leave, before we
do one thing more for our people, let s claim each
other. I don t want to wait, Ryan.
Bonnie Rose Leigh
 Are you sure, moya? I can wait. There s no
hurry so long as we re near. I can hold out until
you re comfortable with us, with the depth of our
bond. I understand being Empathic complicates
this for you.
Shaking her head, Liana reached up and
cupped her mate s cheek, felt the stubble of his
beard s shadow rasp against her palm.  That s just
it. Being Empathic is a help in this case, not a
hindrance. I can feel exactly how you feel about
me, what I mean to you, and my qualms are
nothing in the face of what I ll gain by joining my
life with yours. I need you just as much as you
need me, moyo.
When Ryan s eyes actually glittered with heat
and his heart sped up in response to her words,
she knew she d made the right decision. They
were right for each other and she d not lose her
chance at having a mate of her own from fear of
the unknown. She didn t need the Manruvian Mate
Bonds to know for sure they were destined mates,
but she d honor her new mate, their new people
and their new goddess, by performing the
ceremony as soon as she could arrange it. She
supposed she should ask Ryan first before just
going ahead and making plans for them even if
they were made only in her mind at this point.
Swallowing down her nervousness, Liana looked
into her mate s eyes, felt warmed by the heated
Ryan s Hope
longing in his intense gaze.  Will you wear the
Manruvian Mate Bonds and complete the mating
ceremony with me if we can make the
arrangements to do so while meeting the others?
After a brief flare of surprise, Ryan s lips
curved up into a wicked smile one that made her
think of sweaty, exhausting sex and wicked,
sensuality leading to endless pleasure.  I d be
honored if you claimed me as your mate. We ll
arrange for the ceremony for as soon as possible.
In the meantime, he whispered, that wicked glint
back in his golden brown eyes,  why don t we seal
our impending mating with a kiss?
Liana s heart stuttered in her chest, then
sprinted ahead. Gah! She couldn t wait to taste his
lips, to let his flavor mix with hers and seep into
her system. As though reading her thoughts, Ryan
slowly lowered his head as she lifted to her tippy
toes. Their mouths met in the middle, merged,
nipped and retreated, caressed and soothed,
coming together gently, sweetly before the
tenuous control they d kept on their passion
She didn t know when she d lifted her arms
and wrapped them around his neck, but suddenly,
she fisted her hands in his hair, twisting the
strands in her grasp as she tried to get closer. She
wanted to sink into his very skin, merge
completely with him as lips and tongues parried
Bonnie Rose Leigh
and twined, suckled and stroked, tasting and
exploring. Liana groaned. She couldn t help it.
When Ryan s hands slid down her back, gripped
her ass and lifted, Liana wrapped her legs around
his waist and sank into the kiss, plastering herself
against Ryan s chest. By the Goddess, she groaned.
 You feel so good, baby, he murmured. His
lips trailed down the column of her neck, over her
pulse point. When his cock met the notch of her
pussy, they both moaned at the sensation.
Grinding against the rigid length of his shaft,
Liana rode her mate, needing to come like never
before. With her fists still wrapped in his hair, she
kissed him for all she was worth. Tongues dueled,
mimicking the motions of their hips. They both
gasped and moaned, their lungs labored, and
sweat shimmered atop their skin as they both
strove toward release.
When Ryan moved one hand from her hip to
the front of her scrubs and pressed against her clit,
Liana finally shattered, her climax rolling over and
through her in waves. Whether it was the sudden
movement, her thrashing or the sounds of her
release that triggered it, Ryan followed her over
the edge, shuddering as he bathed the front of his
pants and hers with come.
 I can t believe we just did that, in the middle
of the corridor for Goddess sake, Liana
muttered, hiding her face against Ryan s neck.
Ryan s Hope
His low, husky chuckle sent another wave of
lust barreling through her body. Pushing away
from his chest and too embarrassed to look her
mate in the eye, she stared over his left shoulder.
 You better put me down. We should be coming
up on Glendor pretty soon, don t you think?
 There s no need for embarrassment, not
between us. But you re right. I imagine we ll be
approaching Manruvian Air Space very soon and
should be at the Command Deck when that
happens. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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