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 Don t, I whisper even as my traitorous thighs spread for him, welcoming him into the tender vee
between my legs.
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 But all this must go, you know that. He runs long, teasing fingers through the silky blonde curls on the
mound of my sex, making me tingle and gasp for breath. He leans forward, his full mouth so close to my
ear I can feel his warm breath against the side of my neck.
 Please, no, I beg, but my plea has no effect on him.
 I want you naked, he breathes in my ear.  Completely naked for me. I want to see the tender lips of
your cunt utterly bare. I want to taste your sweet submission on my tongue when I lick you, when I eat
your sweet, ripe pussy& 
 But& I m frightened, I plead.
 There is no need to fear me as long as you obey, he whispers soft and low, making me shiver
helplessly.  Can you prove to me that you can do that, Lauren? Prove your obedience by trusting me
I feel his hand on my sex, gentle and utterly relentless. He is lathering me down there, getting ready to
take away the soft curls that are the only thing left between us. I feel the cool moisture of the lather he
uses and the wet, shameful heat building between my legs. Why does this helplessness, this shame and
submission make my breath come short and my legs spread wide for him? Why does being tied while he
takes me make me come so hard?
I close my eyes, unable to watch as he wields the razor, denuding me tenderly, baring me completely to
his gaze. His fingers are long and certain as he holds me steady for the razor s stroke, stripping away my
last defense.
At last, he is done and I feel the warm wet cloth between my legs, washing away the last traces of lather.
And then, inevitably, one gentle finger is tracing the length of my slit, testing my wetness, my readiness to
take him.
 So beautiful, my darling, he whispers, spreading the lips of my sex to examine me further. I turn my
head away, unable to watch, feeling the hot blush rise in my cheeks. I am so ashamed that he should see
how wet and hot he made me, just by forcing me to submit.
 No, look at me, Lauren, he commands, still stroking me softly. His fingertips play over my tender clit,
swollen with desire and I gasp and force myself to meet his gaze.
 Look at me while I touch you, he says and two long, strong fingers are suddenly entering my sex,
stroking up into me, filling me as he watches the play of emotions over my face, the parade of feelings
behind my eyes.
 Please&  I beg, loving the feel of his fingers but needing more& so much more&
 Please what? What is it you need, Lauren?
I writhe with mingled shame and desire as I realize he s going to make me say it out loud. I shouldn t
want this& shouldn t want him to treat me like this. And yet I can t seem to help myself.  Please, I beg
him in a low voice.  Please& make me come.
 That s good, my darling, I love to hear you beg in that sweet voice. His fingers thrust deeper into me,
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making me gasp and bite my lip to keep from crying out.
 Don t hold back, Lauren, he instructs me softly, and now the long fingers are joined by his thumb,
rubbing firmly over my tender clit.  Come for me, darling. I want to see the look on your face, feel your
hot, wet cunt clamp down on my fingers while I fuck you this way.
His words, coupled with the intense sensations between my legs are too much. Gasping, I feel myself
tilting over the edge of orgasm. I feel his eyes on my face, on my body, as I gasp and writhe beneath his
touch, giving myself to him completely, body and soul&
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lauren woke from the dream in a pitch-black room with a throbbing pain in her right arm.What the
hell? she wondered groggily. Where was she? She knew immediately that she wasn t at home, the
lighting was wrong and the mattress she was lying on was too cushy to be her own. She tried to move the
arm and found she couldn t. Not understanding, she tried to get up and that was when she realized she
was tied securely to the head and footboard of the strange bed.Oh, God! She could feel panic welling up
inside, threatening to suffocate her, filling her throat like dry cotton. She tugged uselessly at the bonds that
held her. They were made of something soft and silky but very strong and completely unyielding.
 Don t you like it? It s from another one of your fantasies. The voice was so sudden and startling that
she jumped and nearly screamed. A large hand clamped over her mouth and the voice was back,
whispering low and intimate and utterly terrifying.  Don t make a sound, Lauren. Everything we say and
do may be watched. Nod if you understand.
A little frantically, she nodded under the hand.
She recognized the voice now. It was Kris, the man who had coerced her into going to supper with him
and claimed to be a vampire. No, wait, hewas a vampire, wasn t he? He had proved it to her
somehow everything in her memory was fuzzy and uncertain. Right now she had a difficult time thinking
of anything other than the fact that he had her tied and helpless in a dark room. At least she still had on
her clothes, though her shoes appeared to be gone.
 I ll remove my hand but you must promise not to scream. We are in unfriendly territory and you must
not do anything suspicious. Nod if you understand me.
Lauren held perfectly still, thinking about it for a moment. If he had wanted to kill her he could have done
it already since she had obviously been unconscious for an unknown period of time. If he wanted to
torture or rape her, he could have gagged her and he hadn t. She supposed she would have to play it by
ear. Reluctantly, she nodded.
Kris removed his hand.
 Is this about the formula? I thought you said I had until tomorrow night, she said.
 Lower your voice, Lauren. While we are here it is very important that you do not speak of our dealings.
It would be very& unsafe. Very unsafe indeed.
 Why? she demanded, but in a lower voice as he had asked.  And why the hell do you have me tied
down? Her eyes strained to see him but he was only an indistinct shape beside her in the blackness. He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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