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anticipate, and whether I win the race or not, I have the prize I desire the most right here in
my arms.
His words touched her deeply, and before she could find her voice to respond, he kissed away
any words she was about to say, and she knew that the man who held her so tenderly in his
arms would have her heart for always.
The next morning, Tara stirred then rolled over in bed. She slowly opened her eyes as she
remembered last night. After Thorn had kissed her, he had taken her upstairs and placed her in
bed, then he had left.
She moaned deep in her throat as she recalled what they had done. He had created more
passion in her than she had thought was possible, and he had unselfishly satisfied a need she
didn t know she had. Even now, the memory sent delicious tremors all the way down to her
womanly core. Thorn had branded a part of her as his in the most provocative and intimate
She loved him, and no matter how things turned out in Daytona, she knew that she would
always love him.
The four men crossed their arms over their chests and glared at the one who stood before
them, making a request they intended to refuse.
 What do you mean you re not in love with Tara? If that s the case then there s no way one of
us will bring her to you, Thorn. We won t allow you to take advantage of her that way, Stone
Westmoreland said angrily.  And you can forget the damn bet.
Thorn inhaled deeply, deciding not to knock the hell out of his brother just yet. He was about
to leave for Daytona and had found all four of them having breakfast at Storm s house as they
got ready to head out to go fishing. He had merely asked that one of them bring Tara to Bike
Week. When Stone had grinned and asked him how it felt being in love, he d been quick to
set him straight and had told him he wasn t in love, and that what he and Tara shared was a
completely physical, emotional-free affair. That s when all hell had broken loose.
 That bet wasn t my idea and shouldn t have been made in the first place. And regardless of
what you say, Stone, one way or the other, Tara will be coming to Bike Week, Thorn said,
barely holding on to his anger.
 No, she won t. I agree with Stone, Chase Westmoreland said with a frown on his face.
 When we made that bet we thought it was to make you see how much you cared for Tara.
But instead, you ve concocted some plan to use her. Dammit man, if Tara was Laney, we
would beat the crap out of any man with your intentions. So whatever plans you ve made for
Tara you can scrap them until you fall in love with her.
 I won t be using her, Thorn growled through gritted teeth. Ready to knock the hell out of
Chase as well. Other than Dare, he didn t see any of them falling in love with anyone, so why
were they trying to shove this love thing down his throat?
Storm chuckled.  And you want us to believe that? Hell, you haven t had a woman in over
two years and you want us just to stand aside while you get your fill knowing you don t care a
damn thing about her?
Thorn felt steam coming out of his ears.  I do care about Tara. I just don t love her. Besides,
what Tara and I do is our business and none of you have a damn thing to say about it.
 That s where you are wrong, Thorn, Stone said angrily, rolling up his sleeves and taking a
step forward.
Dare Westmoreland decided it was time to intercede before there was bloodshed.  It seems
you guys are a little hot under the collar. Keep it up and I ll be forced to throw all four of you
behind bars just for the hell of it, so back up, Stone.
He then turned his full attention to Thorn.  And as far as Tara goes, I ll bring her to Daytona
when Shelly and I drive up.
Dare ignored the simultaneous exclamations from his brothers, as well as the cursing. Instead
his gaze stayed glued to Thorn, who was visibly relieved.
 Thanks, Dare, Thorn said, and without giving his other brothers a parting glance, he turned
and walked out of the house.
It didn t take long for the other three Westmoreland brothers to turn on Dare.
 Sheriff or no sheriff, we ought to kick your ass, Dare, Chase said angrily.  How can you
even think about doing that to Tara? Thorn doesn t mean her any good and she doesn t
deserve something like this. Thorn is planning on using her and  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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