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 He was an idiot to let you go. Cormack leaned in and kissed her nose.  Actually a
complete dickhead.
 No, more like a quarter dickhead and the rest was bluff. Cormack s innocent,
teasing kiss meant more to her than any other. It was one of belief and love and not
being afraid to show his feelings.  So the big black thing? Do you need a permit for
Cormack smiled.  You like?
 It could be interesting. Her thighs were wet just thinking about Cormack and it
combined, pumping and thrusting. Yes please&
 Anything you want I will do.
 Fuck me. Drusilla walked around him and climbed on the bed, her legs spread
open wide. There was no need for foreplay. Cormack d had her at hello.
 With this? He picked up the black vibrator and flicked a switch at the base. It
started gyrating in his hand.
Ooh, pretty.  I want you and it. While she had the fantasy, it had never occurred to
Drusilla to want two men. Maybe she was a hopeless romantic. Maybe she was just
plain hopeful. Either way she wanted the man of her dreams to understand her needs
and not condemn her for them. Cormack did. Drusilla loved him a little more because
he understood her. Wayne? He couldn t understand how to order drive-through. She
winced when she thought about the time she had wasted with that nitwit.
Amarinda Jones
 What s wrong? Cormack approached her, his cock bobbing and the dildo dancing
to its own wicked tune.
 Just thinking about how much time I wasted on my ex.
 People make mistakes. The thing is you learn from it and move on.
Cormack was so sweet and not to mention lethal with his lovely black helper.
 Get on your knees, honey.
 You want me to pray? Drusilla quipped as she did as requested. She expected a
few  oh gods would be said. Any thoughts of Arthur were banished. She was there for
herself and for Cormack. Fish? What fish?
 You know what I like most about you? Cormack crawled up behind her, his
hands on her ass as he pushed her legs further apart.  You have a smart, delicious
Before Drusilla could respond, the head of the vibrator was sinking in between the
lips of her pussy and whatever thoughts she d had were gone. Everything was centered
on what was happening between her legs.  Cormack? She was so wet that the shaft
slid inside her like a knife through butter.
 But wait there s more. He ramped up the power on the base and begun the
familiar push-pull motion in and out of her pussy.
Drusilla s hands clutched at the sheet.  Oh my&  There was no way free steak
knives could beat this. But Cormack did. He pushed one finger into her anus.
 Calm down, he whispered.
  Easy for you to say, she whimpered softly as his finger pushed further inside.
 Do you want me to stop? Cormack halted what he was doing.
 Oh hell no.
As he continued, Drusilla relaxed as she gave in to the double penetration of her
body. The tightness was unusual but not unpleasant.  You know, I m not saying this to
flatter you but your cock is bigger than your finger.
Pet Me
Cormack s response was to slide another finger inside her ass and to twist the dial
on the vibrator up a notch.
 Oohhh, Drusilla moaned as man and dildo plunged in and out. The third finger
in had her gasping.
 You are so wet. Cormack leaned in and kissed her ear.
 You make me so but I need more. A plastic cock could not compete with a real
live cock.  I want you.
 It could hurt.
 I trust you. And Drusilla did. She had gone from believing that men were stupid
to one man who made her feel more special than she ever imagined she ever could.
Cormack s fingers pulled out of her and his hand left the vibrator leaving it steadily
pulsing inside her.  Where are you going?
 I had to get this. Drusilla jumped as cool gel was squirted in her ass.  You like?
 I like your cock better. She turned her head to see Cormack rolling on a condom
over an erection that gave the black toy in her pussy competition.
Cormack chuckled as he reached over for a tube of lube.  And you will have it.
As he slathered his cock with the gel, Drusilla was mesmerized. It was the most
sensual thing she had ever seen. There was something about a man rubbing the length
of his cock that made her knees wobble and her heart pound. Drusilla believed there
was beauty in everything and more so in Cormack. If I never had sex again I could live on
this one moment. Though thankfully for me&
 Are you ready honey?
 Yes. What other answer could there be? The crazy thing was that while the toy
buried deep inside her was exciting, nothing could compete with the first thrust of
Cormack s cock in her ass. She stiffened and whimpered.  Don t stop. The tight
fullness of him pushing in through the resistant ring of muscle made her push out to
meet his thrust.
Amarinda Jones
 Oh, honey, Cormack groaned as he pushed further inside her inch by inch until
his balls rested against her butt. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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