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Rose stood up and walked over to her. Up close Caitlyn
thought she was looking at a living, breathing Barbie doll.
Rose had the perfect figure, beautiful eyes and the most
flawless skin she'd ever seen. Rose smiled at her and Caitlyn
saw that for living in medieval times, Rose even had the most
perfect, even teeth. She felt ill looking at her, this girl who
would be Morgan's wife.
Wishes Through Time
by Annmarie Ortega
"I have wanted to talk to you since I saw you up in the
window earlier today," Rose started, "Would you sit with me
for a few moments, please?"
Caitlyn was stunned and could only nod yes in agreement.
Rose sat in a pew and motioned for Caitlyn to sit next to her.
Her mind raced, wondering why Rose wanted to talk to her
or how she even knew she existed. She sat next to Rose
clearing her throat into her hand, not knowing what to do or
how to act. She was in the exact position she had been trying
to avoid all day.
Rose looked over at Caitlyn and looked down at her hands,
which rested on her lap. Finally, after the most excruciating
silence either had ever endured, Rose began to speak.
"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about all this. I heard
how in love you and Morgan are," she said, her voice cracking
as she spoke. She paused to look at her hands that were now
clutching each other.
"Believe me please, I do not want this anymore than he
does, really. I know that Morgan is a wonderful man. I have
known him my entire life although we hardly ever spoke with
each other. But, I do not love Morgan. And I despise the idea
of being wed to a man whose heart belongs to another."
As she watched Rose speak, she noticed that Rose's eyes
were full of tears, ready to spill out at any time. Her perfect
skin became splotched and red.
"Then why do it?" Caitlyn asked her, watching this young
girl fall to pieces in front of her.
"Why? I do not have a choice. My father is so ill, if I am
not wed before he is gone; all our land will be lost. I simply
Wishes Through Time
by Annmarie Ortega
do not have a choice," she explained to Caitlyn. "The King
said it must happen."
Caitlyn turned her body to look Rose eye to eye before she
spoke and chose her words carefully. "Listen Rose, no matter
how bad a situation may look, you always have a choice. No
one can ever make you do something you really don't want to
do, not even a King. It's just sometimes it's hard to be brave
and defend what you believe, no matter what other people
tell you."
"But I've always done what I have been told," Rose told
her, the tears now spilling over streaming down her cheeks.
"Well, if it's something you really believe in, you take a
chance and do what your heart tells you to do. You can make
your own decisions. You don't need to have someone else
make them for you always. Maybe if you thought about it,
you could come up with another way to help your family's
land stay safe besides marrying Morgan," Caitlyn offered to
Rose nodded her head. Caitlyn stood up to leave looking
down at Rose, who, with her tear streaked face and splotchy
skin looked like a child. She actually felt sorry for her at that
moment, realizing that Rose was just as miserable as she
"Thank you for talking to me Caitlyn. I know this is not
easy..." she said trailing off and staring at her hands again.
"You're right, it's not easy. Leaving here and leaving
Morgan is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. I
would do anything to be able to be with him; to marry him.
And you get him and you don't even want him. This is all
Wishes Through Time
by Annmarie Ortega
killing me inside." she said as she started to leave the chapel,
then turned and walked back to say one last thing to Rose
before she left. "Rose," Caitlyn said, "When you end up
marrying Morgan, please promise me that you will try to love
him. I know you don't now, and it might seem to you as
though you never will, but please try. He is the kindest,
gentlest, loving man. He deserves so much to be loved.
Promise me you will try to love him." Caitlyn felt a huge lump
forming in her throat. If she could not have Morgan and make
him happy, she wanted to know that Rose would at least try.
"Aye, Caitlyn, I promise you I will do my best by Morgan,"
she swore to her.
Caitlyn nodded to Rose, then walked out of the chapel.
There was nothing else for her to say. What she and Morgan
had was over.
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Wishes Through Time
by Annmarie Ortega
Chapter Twenty
"Caitlyn, Caitlyn," Morgan whispered to her, nudging her
trying to wake her up.
Caitlyn was dreaming she was kissing Morgan. His lips
were against hers, his tongue sweeping up against her lips.
As she opened her mouth to his tongue, she realized she
wasn't dreaming. She was really kissing him. She must have
fallen asleep while she waited for him to come upstairs.
She groaned as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She
wrapped her arms around his neck, and then ran her hands
down his naked back. Her hands lingered on his back before
running down to his bare buttocks where she squeezed his
flesh causing him to groan in return.
"I tried to stay up and wait for you," Caitlyn told him after
she pulled away from him, running her fingers through his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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