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deeply he was affected by his experiences at  The Front during the 1914-1918 war. He insisted
on spending a great deal of time in the Front Lines cheering and encouraging the troops. He
won their admiration and loyalty, and in return he loved and respected his future subjects who
fought so well and died so bravely.
After the tour of the Empire, His Royal Highness took a great interest in social and economic
problems. He visited the coal mining districts and entered the miners homes. He chatted with
miners and their families regarding their problems. He wanted to dispense with many of the
frills which encumber royal ceremonial proceedings. He had the audacity to disagree when
statesmen and politicians tendered him advice he knew was unsound. He dared to express his
opinions in regard to Foreign Affairs. He was alert and opposed to any proposed government
policy which might play into the hands of  The Secret Powers and lead the country into another
After he was proclaimed king, January 20th, 1936, he took his responsibilities even more
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William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 16, 17
seriously. He didn t intend to be just  another king on the international chess-board, to be
moved here and there at the will of the Powers-behind-the-throne, until he had been
manoeuvred into a position of stalemate or checkmate. It became quite evident he had a mind
and a will of his own. A king with his knowledge and character-istics can be a serious obstacle
to the men who are determined to have affairs of State managed according to their plans. He
had to be got rid of.
From the time he became associated with Mr. Marsden be had been subjected to a modern
version of  L Infamie . A whispering campaign of slander hinted that he was  wild and
inclined to licentious conduct. He was accused of leaning to the  Right and being associated
with Sir Oswald Mosley s Fascist movement.[15]
When his friendship with Mrs. Wally Simpson was discovered, the full power of the  leftist
press was turned loose on them and, regardless of his position, the vilest insinuations were
made, and the worst possible construction placed on their relationship. This was exactly the
kind of situation his enemies could use to further their own unscrupulous plane, The Prime
Minister of Great Britain was given his orders. In 1936 Mr. Baldwin carried out their mandate
in regard to King Edward VIII s abdication in exactly the same way Messrs Lloyd George,
Churchill and Balfour had carried out their mandate in regard to the Palestine Mandate in 1919.
King Edward was manoeuvred into a position in which he either had to make Mrs. Simpson his
 Morganatic wife, and lose the love and affection of his subjects, or he had to abdicate and
marry her. He took the only course a gentleman could take under the circumstances.
The reader may wonder why the document over which there is so much controversy cropped up
in 1901. The answer is to be found in the fact that the artificially created depression in 1893
brought about conditions favourable to war. The international bankers met in London to
consolidate their position, and work out the details for the Boer War. They considered this war
necessary in order to obtain control of the African gold fields and diamond mines. The Jameson
Raid took place as scheduled January 1st, 1896. This led to the most unjustifiable war the
British have ever fought. Winston Churchill hot-footed it to Africa to act as observer.
Officially he was a war correspondent. A great deal regarding this period of history remains to
be written.
The details leading to the Spanish-American War had to be worked out. This war gave the
American bankers control over sugar production in Cuba. More important still was the business
that had to be transacted in regard to the war scheduled to take place between Russia and Japan
in 1904. This business was very complicated. Matters had to be so arranged. that while the
Rothschilds financed the Russians, Kuhn-Loeb and Co. of New York financed the Japanese, An
understanding had to be reached by which both groups made money while the Russian Empire
was weakened, and made ready for the Menshevist revolution scheduled to take place in 1905.
While the international bankers met in the financial district of London, the leaders of the World
Revolutionary Movement met in the slum-district of the same city. Lenin received his orders.
He was told how he should manage the various revolutionary groups so that independent action
http://yamaguchy.netfirms.com/carr/pawns_16.html (14 of 25)5.4.2006 12:16:42
William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 16, 17
on their part would not seriously interfere with the overall plans of those who directed the W.R.
M. It has been proved that the Directors of the W.R.M. used the heads of the Grand Orient
Lodges in France, and other countries, to further their revolutionary plans, therefore it is
reasonable to suppose that an agent was sent from London to Paris in 1900 or 1901 to instruct
the top-level executives of the Grand Orient Lodges in regard to the part they were to play to
bring about the programme of wars and revolutions agreed upon, in exactly the same way they
had sent the agent who was killed in Ratisbon, from Frankfort to Paris in 1785. It is just another
illustration of how and why history repeats itself.
1 This military plan had been in existence since before 1914 and was reported to the Allied Governments fighting
World War One by intelligence officers of both the British and American armed forces. The plan is explained in
detail in Hell s Angels of the Deep and Check Mate in the North by W.G. Carr.
2 This statement and others of a similar nature prove that Hitler never had accepted or agreed with the extreme Nazi
War-Lords Long Range Plan for World domination by Military conquest.
3 Once again rabid anti-Semitism shows itself and yet history proves that the International conspirators have used
every race and creed to serve their own secret and selfish ambitions. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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