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Serenity s second orgasm came without warning, rendering her helpless to Jon s
loving. Tears filled her eyes, and all she could do was whine through it. On the climax s
heels were two aftershocks that were almost as intense.  I can t believe how good you
are, she rasped.  No man has&  How can I ever let him go? I won t. I just won t!
When Serenity came down from her high, Jon pulled out again and lifted her until she
sat on the edge of the couch. He lowered his head to her pussy, but she stopped him with
a hand on his shoulder.
 Wait, you ve come in me.
 So? His eyes glittered dark as midnight. She panted.  Do you want me to eat you,
She couldn t help herself.  Yes, I want it.
 Say it then, he demanded.
She was not afraid to ask for what she wanted.  Eat me, Jon. Eat my pussy.
He slung one of her legs over his shoulder and bowed a second time. His tongue
snaked out and lapped at her from top to bottom. She shuddered. He moaned as if the
mixture of her juices with his was the most delicious thing he d ever tasted. Just knowing
he was willing to do such a thing made her hotter.
She tangled her fingers in his dark locks and thrust him forward. His tongue slid up
her pussy, and she wiggled against it, demanded more, and insisted he suck every drop
into his mouth. Jon ate with relish, the greedy sounds he made driving her to the brink.
She screamed his name and threw her head back. Another few licks, and she came riding
his mouth hard.
When he finished, Jon rose with narrowed eyes, and towered over her. He pulled her
roughly to her feet. His man-handling of her made her feel smaller, more delicate, almost
afraid of him, and it got her off. He turned her, walked her around the couch to its arm
and then pushed her forward until she bent over it with her ass in the air. Jon pushed two
fingers up her pussy, coated his fingers well with her cream, and then trailed the slippery
mixture to her ass. She gasped, knowing what he intended.
She d had anal sex before, but Jon was the biggest man she d ever been with. It
would hurt, but she wanted it, ached for it. Sucking in deep breaths, she waited for him to
invade her body with his shaft, but he used his fingers first, working her hole until her
muscles relaxed. When he had slipped in three fingers and teased her rim until she was
dizzy, he pulled them free and followed with his cock.
Serenity drew in a breath, struggling to adjust. Jon stroked and squeezed her ass as he
worked himself deeper.  Relax, my love. Take your mate s cock. Take all of it. You must
please me.
 Yes, she cried, tears in her eyes. Why did it feel like she belonged to him, like he
had laid claim and not just as a lover? She didn t care. She needed to be one with him
right now, to have him possess her, body and soul.
His pump was calculated and controlled. Between thrusts, he smacked her ass and
then soothed it. Serenity shook through a third and then a fourth orgasm, yet still, Jon
didn t stop making love to her. He reached under her to play with her clit and push
fingers in her pussy. His fingers combined with his cock in her ass made it all the tighter.
She couldn t stand the pleasure and fainted.
When she came to, Jon had moved them to the couch. She lay under him, and from
the fullness in her rear, she knew he was still buried inside her.  You need to rest, he
whispered.  I ll pull out.
 Don t. She willed her body to relax more.  I ve never felt like this. I don t want to
be disconnected from you. Is that weird?
 No, it s right. He kissed her ear.  I feel exactly the same way. Now, let me bring
you to a few more orgasms, and then I will carry you up to a bath and let you rest. You ll
need as much as possible because my appetite is great.
She nuzzled her face to his neck.  I want nothing more than to please you.
 I want the same, my love. This is only the beginning.
Chapter Seven
Serenity woke some time after midnight. She reached out to feel for Jon, but he
wasn t in bed. She couldn t figure out what had made her wake until lightning lit the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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