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 I don t know, but I tell you something is not right.
Tia had learned long ago to trust Mia s instincts. Slowly, they drew their
blades and walked towards Adina s bedroom.
Mia s eye just caught the shift of the shadow just when the blade came
across her neck. The only sound was that of her body collapsing into a glass vase.
Tia spun her blade around in time to catch Flaxon s. Her eyes widened in white,
hot anger. Her teeth bared as she sniffed. She knew what he was.
 Mongrel shit. You ll pay for what you ve done.
He allowed himself to come into focus. The nasty grin on his face was
enough to set Tia off, but she held her anger. She sensed his power and knew he
would not be an easy kill.
They circled each other, blades still touching. This was the closest he had
ever seen her. She was deathly pale with eyes a cool blue-green. Her nose was
very sharp and her lips a thin line that might just be reflecting the tension of the
moment. She was almost as tall as him, lean, but clearly muscular. She sometimes
darted forward with superhuman speed, but he matched every move. It made her
growl in annoyance. Finally, they both stopped, just waiting.
Flaxon moved first. He kicked Mia s headless body, provoking Tia s
scream. She swung her blade, but he knocked it away, spinning and sending his
elbow into her chin. She stumbled but recovered in time to block his next attack.
She swung left, he swung right, the blades clashing loudly. Flaxon did a sweeping
swing that she dodged by swinging her blade low. He leaped back, but he still got
cut across his stomach. He growled as Tia laughed.
 Bleed, you Beast! I intend to see you bleed to death before I take your
Flaxon moved into his attack stance, his left leg slightly before the right.
The blade was drawn up on his right side, waiting for her. Hers was above her
head, but she brought it down. Flaxon crashed his blade into her, knocking it to
the left. Drawing his back slightly, then pushing forward, he punctured her throat.
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The Alpha Promise Hayat Ali
Tia froze. Before her shock registered, Flaxon jerked out his blade and swung
taking her head off. She crumbled to the floor. After a deep breath, Flaxon looked
up to find a horrified Adina at the door. He studied her before lowering his blade.
 Ready? he asked.
Her big eyes stared at him. When she first heard the voices, she had
moved to the door and watched the end of the fight. Flaxon was cool when the
vampire s head came off, though she freaked out. She couldn t move her feet,
watching him lay his blade on her dining room table. He shrugged on his jacket,
picked up the blade, and winced when he bent to retrieve the sheath. When he
stood again, he waited for Adina.
 Well, come on. Others will come.
Shaking her head, she silently begged Jin to help her. For a moment, she
felt him.
 Move your arse! We don t have much time!
She jumped at the harsh sound of his voice but came out with her
backpack. She had no choice; it wasn t like she could protect herself if more did
come. When she was beside Flaxon, he practically dragged her from the
apartment to the elevator.
 Shouldn t...shouldn t we take the steps, she stuttered.
 No. It s faster this way, and they wouldn t expect us to be so bold.
 You mean stupid, she said softly.
He sneered.
When the elevator reached the bottom floor, he moved her behind him.
Adina stood against the wall, shaking. Adina, you did it again. You re in it deep,
girl. Real deep.
The doors opened and he waited before stepping out, ducking as a sword
just missed his head. He rolled out onto his feet, raising his blade to block the next
blow. The vampire knocked Flaxon back with a kick in the stomach. The other
vampire was a male with reddish hair and dark eyes. His black outfit was similar
to that of the Night and Day Girls. He didn t recognize him, but in a second it
wouldn t matter.
Flaxon dropped to one knee, swinging out his blade. The vampire brought
his down to parry Flaxon s. The vampire then lifted his blade, pushing it forward
to stab Flaxon in the heart. But Flaxon blocked and counterattacked by moving
his blade forward, grazing the vampire s side. The vampire hissed angrily, his
blade clashing with Flaxon s again as they engaged in a test of wills. Both
strained to hold their ground.
The vampire was pushing Flaxon s blade closer to the top of his head
when he stumbled. Flaxon jumped up and brought his blade down on the
vampire s neck, taking off his head. He held his pose a moment, then watched
Adina put the strap back on her shoulder, having just swung the bag. Seeing
Flaxon s glare, she swallowed.
 Who told you to move?
 I was just...just helping, she said.
 I don t need your help, he snapped.
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The Alpha Promise Hayat Ali
Adina s lips tightened.  Fine, then. I ll act like the helpless damsel so your
balls won t shrivel up.
Flaxon glared at her before switching the blade into his left hand, his right
taking hers.
 Let s see if your fat arse can keep up, he muttered.
 Wh...asshole, she whispered at him.
They walked slowly towards the exit, with Flaxon surveying the area. He
flicked blood off of his blade then sheath it his side.
 What are you waiting for? she whispered.  There s no one out 
He turned his head, his cool gaze quieting her.  I m sure you think that
your new ability to sense vampires is far superior to my skills. He dropped her
hand.  Why don t you go out there? Tell me what you see.
Adina took a step back.  That s okay.
 Then shut your gob, human, so I can concentrate.
Adina had grown tired of his nasty remarks. She didn t understand why he
was so pissy. All she had done was try to help. He looked like he couldn t sustain
the power to block the vampire s blade. She felt she should help so she used her
bag and swung hard. The vampire was so focused on Flaxon that he didn t know
what hit him until it was too late. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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