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answer: (c) popular
A4 Cellular telephones are actually little different than two- way radios.
answer: (d) way
A5 A caller speaks into a cell phone, and it picks up his or her voice, transforming the sound into radio waves.
answer: (d) up
A6 Then these radio waves are transmitted through the atmosphere until they meet a nearby base station.
answer: (b) nearby
A7 The station sends your phone call through the standard telephone network, where it eventually reaches the
answer: (d) through
A8 Cell phones provide a vast array of functions these days, and new ones are being added all the time.
answer: (d) functions
A9 When someone calls you, your cell phone receiver detects radio waves sent out by the base station.
answer: (b) detects
A10 Inside your cell phone, these waves are converted back into the sound of the caller's voice.
answer: (a) back
© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net
111. advanced-60
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 60 (Answer Keys)
Job Advertising
A1 Industry- specific, or niche, employment websites are proliferating as places for companies to locate qualified
answer: (d) specific
A2 Niche sites present a large pool of qualified job-seekers.
answer: (c) pool
A3 The internet, in comparison to other advertising media, gives its users a broader reach.
answer: (a) reach
A4 The internet produces results faster and more cheaply than other traditional advertising media.
answer: (d) traditional
A5 Companies these days look at internet job advertising as an integral part of their staffing efforts.
answer: (c) integral
A6 Advertising positions on employment websites can generate a lot of traffic from potential candidates.
answer: (d) traffic
A7 But general sites often produce an insufficient number of qualified applicants, making the process relatively
time consuming for the results seen.
answer: (a) consuming
A8 Niche site marketing targets executives and professionals of the industry served.
answer: (d) served
A9 Advertisements both on niche sites and using more conventional methods are a part of a well- rounded
staffing campaign.
answer: (c) rounded
A10 Niche sites often include job postings, comparative salary scales, curriculum vitae databases, and more.
answer: (d) more
© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net
112. advanced-61
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 61 (Answer Keys)
Job Applications
A1 The application form is used by companies as a means of standardizing basic information from all applicants.
answer: (d) standardizing
A2 The application is a key marketing tool for the applicant in the job-seeking process.
answer: (c) seeking
A3 Companies utilize the application as a basis for deciding whether to interview the applicant.
answer: (b) basis
A4 The application form should be considered the applicant's first test in following directions.
answer: (b) following
A5 The application form should be filled out as neatly as possible; it reflects the applicant's nature.
answer: (c) neatly
A6 On the form, answers should be tailored to the specific position for which the person is applying.
answer: (d) tailored
A7 No blanks should be left on the form; for questions that are irrelevant, write "not applicable" ("n/a").
answer: (b) blanks
A8 The goal of the application is to obtain a personal interview, so do not provide any negative information.
answer: (b) negative
A9 Questions should be answered truthfully, but complete answers need not necessarily be given.
answer: (d) truthfully
A10 Specific salary limits should never be indicated on the application; just write "open" or " negotiable ".
answer: (b) negotiable
© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net
113. advanced-62
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 62 (Answer Keys)
Job Interviews
A1 The first interview for the candidate is the screening interview, which is used to ascertain whether s/he
matches the position's minimum qualifications.
answer: (c) screening
A2 The interviewer(s) will have the applicant's resume in hand and attempt to confirm the information it contains.
answer: (b) hand
A3 The selection interview is worrisome for most candidates: although they may have the requisite skills, the
company now determines whether they have the personality to fit into the group.
answer: (a) fit
A4 A candidate who does not interact positively with supervisors and co-workers may disrupt the operations of a
whole section.
answer: (b) disrupt
A5 A group interview is one in which the interviewer(s) attempt to distinguish the leaders from the followers.
answer: (d) leaders
A6 When a panel interview is held, the candidate is interviewed by several people at the same time.
answer: (b) held
A7 The candidate should make eye contact with each member of the panel as s/he answers the panelist's
answer: (c) contact
A8 One technique the applicant should be aware of is the stress interview, which is occasionally used to weed out
those who are unable to deal with adverse situations.
answer: (c) weed
A9 Stress may be introduced into this kind of interview by asking strange questions or by reacting to the
candidate's responses with silence.
answer: (c) silence
A10 In a stress interview, the candidate has only two choices: play along or refuse such bad treatment by
terminating the interview.
answer: (a) along
© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net
114. advanced-63
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 63 (Answer Keys)
Hiring the Right Person
A1 In order to take on the right candidate, the employer must examine both abilities and personality, although not
necessarily in that order.
answer: (b) order
A2 The first step to hiring success is being aware of the abilities that the ideal candidate should have.
answer: (d) success
A3 Before proceeding to advertisement and interviews, create a list of skills needed for the job and assign a rating
to each skill.
answer: (b) rating
A4 Placing a premium on education and experience is only common sense in the hiring process.
answer: (b) premium
A5 If the applicant seems to be over-qualified for the position, you have found either a diamond in the rough or
someone very adept at interviews.
answer: (c) rough
A6 If this applicant does not have extensive practical experience in a similar position, you may rest assured that
s/he is the latter.
answer: (a) assured
A7 Nevertheless, occasionally a talented candidate is found who is willing to accept a position and pay scale for
which he or she is overqualified.
answer: (d) scale
A8 How successful the candidate will be is determined in the end by the team chemistry of the group s/he
becomes a part of.
answer: (b) chemistry
A9 The manager's goal is to employ individuals who are technically proficient and also have personalities that suit
their team.
answer: (c) proficient
A10 Should questions remain concerning the candidate following the traditional interview, it is then time to consult
his or her references.
answer: (a) references
© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net
115. advanced-64
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 64 (Answer Keys)
Training New Staff
A1 Well before beginning a training program, the trainer should sit down and prepare a lesson plan for each day.
answer: (b) plan
A2 The course needs to be well prepared in advance so that all important points will be covered.
answer: (a) covered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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