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p = 3. The only one of these with a quotient group of order p is PSL2(F3)
when p = 3. It follows that p [G : G ] except in this one case which we treat
separately. So assuming now that p [G : G ] we see that G contains a non-
trivial unipotent element u. Since G has no fixed line there must be another
noncommuting unipotent element v in G . Pick a basis for Á0|G consisting
of their fixed vectors. Then let Ä be an element of Gal(Q£/Q) for which the
image of Á0(Ä) in G/G is prescribed and let Á0(Ä) =(a b). Then
c d
a b 1 s± 1
´ =
c d 1 r² 1
has det (´) = det Á0(Ä) and trace ´ = s±(ra² + c) +br² + a + d. Since p e" 3
we can choose this trace to avoid any two given values (by varying s) unless
ra² + c = 0 for all r. But ra² + c cannot be zero for all r as otherwise
a = c = 0. So we can find a ´ for which the ratio of the eigenvalues is not
É(Ä), det(´) being, of course, fixed.
Now suppose that im Á0 does not have order divisible by p but that the
associated projective representation has image isomorphic to S4 or A5, so
necessarily p =3. Pick an element Ä such that the image of Á0(Ä) in G/G is
any prescribed class. Since this fixes both det Á0(Ä) and É(Ä) we have to show
that we can avoid at most two particular values of the trace for Ä. To achieve
this we can adapt our first choice of Ä by multiplying by any element og G . So
pick à " G as in (i) which we can assume in these two cases has order 3. Pick
a basis for Á0, by expending scalars if necessary, so that à ’! ( ). Then one
checks easily that if Á0(Ä) =(a b) we cannot have the traces of all of Ä, ÃÄ and
c d
Ã2Ä lying in a set of the form {"t} unless a = d = 0. However we can ensure
that Á0(Ä) does not satisfy this by first multiplying Ä by a suitable element of
G since G is not contained in the diagonal matrices (it is not abelian).
In the A4 case, and in the PSL2(F3) A4 case when p = 3, we use a
different argument. In both cases we find that the 2-Sylow subgroup of G/G
is generated by an element z in the centre of G. Either a power of z is a suitable
candidate for Á0(Ã) or else we must multiply the power of z by an element of
G , the ratio of whose eigenvalues is not equal to 1. Such an element exists
because in G the only possible elements without this property are {"I} (such
elements necessary have determinant 1 and order prime to p) and we know
that #G > 2 as was noted in the proof of part (i).
Remark. By a well-known result on the finite subgroups of PGL2(Fp) this
lemma covers all Á0 whose images are absolutely irreducible and for which
is not dihedral.
Let K1 be the splitting field of Á0. Then we can view W» and W» as
Gal(K1(¶p)/Q)-modules. We need to analyze their cohomology. Recall that
we are assuming that Á0 is absolutely irreducible. Let be the associated
projective representation to PGL2(k).
The following proposition is based on the computations in [CPS].
Proposition 1.11. Suppose that Á0 is absolutely irreducible. Then
H1(K1(¶p)/Q, W» ) =0.
Proof. If the image of Á0 has order prime to p the lemma is trivial. The
subgroups of GL2(k) containing an element of order p which are not contained
in a Borel subgroup have been classified by Dickson [Di, §260] or [Hu, II.8.27].
Their images inside PGL2(k ) where k is the quadratic extension of k are
conjugate to PGL2(F ) or PSL2(F ) for some subfield F of k , or they are
isomorphic to one of the exceptional groups A4, S4, A5.
Assume then that the cohomology group H1(K1(¶p)/Q, W» ) =0. Then
by considering the inflation-restriction sequence with respect to the normal
subgroup Gal(K1(¶p)/K1) we see that ¶p " K1. Next, since the representation
is (absolutely) irreducible, the center Z of Gal(K1/Q) is contained in the
diagonal matrices and so acts trivially on W». So by considering the inflation-
restriction sequence with respect to Z we see that Z acts trivially on ¶p (and
on W» ). So Gal(Q(¶p)/Q) is a quotient of Gal(K1/Q)/Z. This rules out all
cases when p =3, and when p = 3 we only have to consider the case where the
image of the projective representation is isomporphic as a group to PGL2(F )
for some finite field of characteristic 3. (Note that S4 PGL2(F3).)
Extending scalars commutes with formation of duals and H1, so we may
assume without loss of generality F †" k. If p = 3 and #F > 3 then
H1(PSL2(F ), W») = 0 by results of [CPS]. Then if is the projective
representation associated to Á0 suppose that g-1im g = PGL2(F ) and let
H = gPSL2(F )g-1. Then W» W» over H and
¯ ¯
(1.18) H1(H, W») —" F H1(g-1Hg, g-1(W» —" F )) =0.
We deduce also that H1(im Á0, W» ) =0.
Finally we consider the case where F = F3. I am grateful to Taylor for the
following argument. First we consider the action of PSL2(F3) on W» explicitly
by considering the conjugation action on matrices {A " M2(F3) : trace A =0}.
One sees that no such matrix is fixed by all the elements of order 2, whence
H1(PSL2(F3), W») H1(Z/3, (W»)C ×C2) =0
where C2 ×C2 denotes the normal subgroup of order 4 in PSL2(F3) A4. Next
we verify that there is a unique copy of A4 in PGL2(F3) up to conjugation.
For suppose that A, B " GL2(F3) are such that A2 = B2 = I with the images
of A, B representing distinct nontrivial commuting elements of PGL2(F3). We
can choose A =(1 0) by a suitable choice of basis, i.e., by a suitable conju-
0 -1
gation. Then B is diagonal or antidiagonal as it commutes with A up to a
scalar, and as B, A are distinct in PGL2(F3) we have B =(a -a-1) for some [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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