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little pissed that she d dismissed him so readily. It burned his ass just thinking about waking up and
finding her already gone.
But then, had he really expected anything more? Did he want anything more?
 Fuck, he muttered, undecided on what to do as his gaze settled on a few new arrivals. He sat
straighter in his seat when he realized that the tall blond man walking toward the community center
was Gerald Dooley and he wasn t alone. His arm was across the back of Logan s ex-girlfriend
Sabrina Fairfax.
Since when was Dooley interested in sports?
Since when was Sabrina interested in anyone other than Logan?
He watched the couple pause near the entrance, Dooley digging through his pockets for something,
Sabrina s stance suggesting she was impatient, or irritated. Finally, Dooley found whatever the hell it
was he d been looking for and the two continued on inside.
Obviously the man had moved on and quickly. He wondered what Bobbi s reaction was going to
be. Would she be hurt? Relieved? Pissed off?
Was she even inside?
The ugliness that had simmered beneath the surface all week rose to the fore and before Shane
could stop himself he was out the door and striding toward the community center. Restless energy
thrummed inside his chest and he wasn t entirely sure what he was looking for.
But as he pushed open the door and was hit with a wall of heat, music, the smell of beer and
jostling bodies, he was pretty damn sure he was going to find it.
He d barely taken two steps when he heard his name.
 Shane Gallagher. Wow.
He turned and spied Betty Jo Barker leaning against the wall with Matt Hawkins hanging off her as
if she was the fucking bee s knees. The foyer was full of people those waiting to get inside the main
room where the band was playing up a storm and those wanting a bit of quiet.
Betty and Matt however, seemed to be on the prowl for attention. She was half dressed and he was
half in the bag.
A stranger would have one hell of a time distinguishing the three girls. But he d known them a long
time and Betty was different than Billie and Bobbi. She was a sex kitten on steroids. It wasn t
anything tangible really, just a certain way she tilted her head. The direct look in her eyes when she
wanted your attention, or the way her mouth seemed to pout no matter what she did.
He knew her modeling career had stalled and though Shane wasn t privy to the details, he knew a
fuck up when he saw one.
She licked her lips, a practiced routine for sure, and shoved Matt to the side. Hawkins swore and
glared at Shane as Betty walked toward him, her narrow hips sheathed in the shortest leather skirt
he d seen since& well, since Bobbi used to tease the hell out of him in that little black number she
used to wear.
For Hawkins sake, he hoped at least this triplet was in the habit of wearing underwear or the guy
was in for it.
The little New York Rangers Jersey she wore was cut off mid drift and the thigh high boots had
her in the running for sexiest puck bunny ever. If he remembered correctly she d dated one of the
Rangers a few years back.
 I m not sure they re going to let you in, she said softly, her gaze running up and down his body.
 You re not wearing a hockey jersey and, she leaned toward him whispering,  In case you didn t
know it s a hockey shirt dance. The smile that rested on her lips was devastating. Funny how it
never made it to her eyes.
The woman was one hell of an actor.
And there was that pout again as she purred.  Even I found this old thing to wear.
Shane s eyes had already moved beyond Betty. He wasn t in the mood for her games.  You should
put some clothes on Bets. Don t want to be giving any of the old geezers here a heart attack.
He found Bobbi almost at once and damn if his heart didn t take off like a rocket. She was near the
entrance to the main room, her lithe figure dressed in old, faded denim the kind that clung to curves
 the kind that he liked. She wore a Flyers jersey, but it was obviously meant for a child because it
fit her like a glove and damn, it wasn t right that number 28 and Giroux were plastered to her back
like she belonged to him.
Betty followed his gaze and said softly,  You re going to have to fight for her you know.
Shane whipped his head back to Betty and for the first time all the teasing and pouting was gone.
Her eyes were clear, her gaze direct.  If you don t you re an idiot.
She glanced over her shoulder.  Matt, let s get out of here.
Hawkins came running like a puppy after a treat, his scowl gone, replaced with a possessive glint
that made Shane roll his eyes. Christ, if the guy thought he actually had a hold on Betty Jo Barker he
was sadly mistaken.
Betty turned without another word and led her new pet out of the community center. She bent over
near the door to fix something on her boot and Frank Talbot s eyes nearly popped out of his head. The
elderly man shook his head and cleared his throat so loudly that several people glanced over.
Shane shook his head and sighed. The girl was just as dangerous as Bobbi in that damn skirt. There
was no underwear beneath the leather, and after patting Mr. Talbot on the cheeks she turned, winked
at Shane, and disappeared into the night.
Shane had that one moment to turn and leave. To go home and forget about everything except the
bottle of J.D that was sitting on the counter in his kitchen.
But then the band erupted into a raucous version of a Stones classic, Sympathy for the Devil, and
he glanced up sharply, his eyes on Bobbi. His heart was still pounding. His body already aching to
touch her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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