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Mahatma Letters, The, 101, 102, 103,
154, 156, 174, 179, 180, 188, 330.
Kabbala, The, 119, 126, 144.
Mahatma Morya, 110, 149, 150, 156,
Kabbalism, 141.
169, 180, 304.
Kabbalists, The, 41, 144, 172.
Mahatmas, 2, 31, 102, 147, 182, 187,
Kant, Emanuel, 168.
189, 268, 306, 313 ff., 321 ff.
Kapila, 213.
Mahayana, 313.
Karma, 8, 27, 182, 197, 200, 232 ff.,
Maitreya, Lord, 218.
249 ff., 256, 274, 275, 280, 289, 290.
Manas (Mind), 168, 213, 222, 230,
Karma, Lords of, 244.
246, 256.
Keightley, Dr. Archibald, 122, 181, 187,
Manichaeism, 14.
191, 192, 194, 339.
Manu, Laws of, 144.
Keightley, Bertram, 122, 187, 191, 194,
Manvantara, 198, 216, 221, 261.
Marden, Orison S., 31.
Kepler, 16, 260.
Mars, 230, 310.
Kiddle Incident, The, 157.
Masonry, 108, 109.
Kingsford, Anna B., 174.
Massey, C. C., 105, 176.
Kingsland, William, 43, 179.
Masters, The, 147, 150 ff., 169, 176,
Koumboum, magical tree, 136.
179, 182, 187, 188, 191, 266, 272, 305,
Krishna, 145, 213, 280, 282, 290.
310 ff.
Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 333 ff., 338, 349.
Materialism, 159, 160 ff., 258 ff., 261,
Kriyasakti, 228, 256.
Krotona, (California), 337.
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor, 192.
Kumaras, 222, 225, 228, 230.
Maya, 27, 159, 164, 218.
Kundalini, The, 285.
Mazoomdar, P. C., 31.
Mead, G. R. S., 325, 339.
"Lamasery, The," 59.
Meaning, significance of, 235 ff.
Land, The Imperishable Sacred, 223.
Mercury, 230, 310.
Lao-Tze, 145.
Mesmerism, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31, 39, 132.
Larson, C. D., 31.
Metachemistry, 263.
Latter Day Saints, 22.
Methodism, 20.
Millikan, Prof. Robert A., 207.
Ormazd, 163.
Milton, John, 266.
Orpheus, 213.
Mind-Born, The, 226.
Orphism, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Mindless, Sin of the, 256.
Osiris, 163.
Miracle Club, The, 104.
Oversoul, The, 27, 200.
Mirandola, Pico della, 119.
Owen, Robert Dale, 21, 34, 36.
Missionaries, Christian, 178, 179, 187.
Mitchell, Roy F., 330.
Pagan gods, 139.
Moira, 8, 10.
Paganism vindicated, 138 ff., 141.
Monad, The, 207, 210, 211, 218, 221,
Paladino, Eusapia, 36.
222, 227, 332, 242, 273, 280.
Pancoast, Dr. Seth, 104.
Monism, 160, 161.
Paracelsus, 15, 39, 119, 122, 126, 263.
Moon, The, 210, 213, 218, 226 ff.
Paradise, 212.
Morality, Theosophic, 113, 114.
Parker, Theodore, 23, 35.
More, Henry, 119.
Parkman, Francis, 23.
Mormons, The, 22, 51.
Parmenides, 9, 119.
Moses, 141.
Patanjali, 273, 286.
Moses, W. Stainton, 176.
Paterenes, The, 15.
Müller, Max, 127, 169, 195.
Patristics, 15, 119, 126, 141, 142.
Myers, F. W. H., 36, 176, 180.
Patterson, Charles Brodie, 30.
Mystery Religions, The, 2, 7, 8, 11, 13,
Paulicians, The, 15.
14, 41, 140, 141, 155, 189.
Peebles, J. M., 36.
Mysticism, 39.
Pennsylvania Theosophy, 41.
Mythology, 140, 143.
Percival, Harold W., 325.
Peredur stories, 15.
Nazarenes, The, 142.
Perpetual motion, 137.
Necromancy, 39.
Persia, 6, 7, 8.
Neo-Platonism, 12, 25, 41, 119, 126,
Philalethians, 140.
140, 141.
Philo Judaeus, 13, 42, 119, 144.
Neo-Theosophy, 175, 327, 328 ff.
Philosopher's Stone, The, 137, 172.
Nettesheim, Agrippa von, 16, 39, 119.
Phaedrus, The, II.
New Thought, 29, 30, 31.
Phoenix, The (Journal), 173.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 16, 134, 170, 260.
Physis, 7.
Nicholas of Basle, 15.
Pietism, German, 15.
Nirmanakayas, 271, 312.
Pindar, 6, 9.
Nirvana, 186, 215, 251 ff., 312.
Piper, Mrs. Leonora, 36.
Noah, 189.
Pitris, 144, 201, 209, 222, 229.
Noumenon, 260.
Planetary spirits, 174, 205, 206, 213.
Numenius, 14.
Plato, 5, 9, 10, 11, 119, 138, 144, 157,
Numerology, 213.
224, 242.
Nyana, 283.
Pletho, Gemistus, 15, 119.
Pliny, 126, 142.
Occultism, 39, 199, 218.
Plotinus, 12, 14, 25, 119.
Olcott, Col. Henry S., 35, 56, 57, 58, 59,
Plutarch, 119.
77, 78, 79, 84, 85, 90, 94, 98, 103, 105-
Popul Vuh, The, 119.
114, 119, 120, 122, 176, 183, 305 ff.,
Porphyry, 14, 119.
310 ff., 328 ff.
Poseidonis, 224.
Old, W. R., 317.
Prakriti, 161.
Oriental philosophy, 113.
Pralaya, 164, 198, 201, 225, 231.
Origen, 12, 14, 189.
Prana, 284.
Original Sin, 9.
Pranayama, 284.
Pratt, Orson, 22.
Saviors, 255.
Pratyahara, 284.
Science, 199, 253 ff.
Prayag Letter, The, 318.
Secret Doctrine, The, 116, 162, 188 ff.
Precipitation of writing, 156 ff.
194 ff., 253 ff., 308.
Probation, Path of, 280, 283.
Serapis, 14.
Probationers, Pledge of, 185.
Sermon on the Mount, The, 142.
Proclus, 12, 14, 119.
Serpent, Symbol, The, 203, 212, 226.
Prodigies, mathematical, 18.
Seth, 228.
Prometheus, 228.
Sevens, 206, 214, 218, 219.
Protyle, 202, 262.
Seybert Commission on Spiritualism, 35.
Psychic experiences, 14, 62-88.
Shakers, The, 21.
Puranas, The, 263.
Shells, astral, 222, 229, 255.
Purusha, 161.
Siddhis, The, 286.
Pythagoreanism, 7, 9, 10, 11, 25, 119,
Sinnett, Albert P., 43, 80-84, 94, 96,
140, 144.
100, 150, 151, 154 ff., 176 ff., 183,
306, 310 ff., 329, 349.
Quakers, The, 20.
Slate writing, 33.
Quimby, P. P., 19, 30, 31.
Smith, Joseph, 22.
Quincy, Josiah, 23.
Smith, Wayland, 15.
Smythe, Albert, 330.
Races, Root- and Sub-, 209, 210, 222 ff.
Society for Psychical Research, 176 ff.,
Racowitza, Princess Helene von, 60.
186, 187.
Rakowczi, Count, 15.
Socrates, 8, 10, 169.
Reincarnation, 7, 8, 11, 15, 26, 38, 157,
Solomon's Seal, significance of, 172.
197, 232 ff., 290.
Solovyoff, V. S., 43, 85, 86, 180, 304 ff.
Religion, deterioration of, 3, 4, 158.
Sorcery, 225, 266, 282.
Reproduction, 226 ff.
Spalding, A. G., 324.
Revivals, American religious, 18.
Spencer, Herbert, 127.
Richmond, Cora V., 36.
Spiritualism, 21, 33-38, 62, 64, 72, 84,
Rishis, 6, 150, 189.
89-102, 166, 169, 181, 246, 265, 315.
Robins, Dr. William L., 336.
St. Germain, Count, 15.
Rochester Theosophical Society, 181.
St. Paul, 14, 140.
Rogers, L. W., 337, 349.
Stead, W. T., 192, 307.
Romance of the Rose, The, 15.
Suicides, 167.
Romanes, J. G., 192.
Sun, The New York, 261.
Romanticism, German, 24.
Supermen, 4, 150 ff., 241.
Rosicrucians, The, 15, 41, 139, 326.
Supernaturalism, 19, 20.
Rounds, Cosmical, 206, 209, 210, 214,
Superstitions, 40, 158 ff.
216, 220, 222.
Suso (The Mystic), 15.
Row, T. Subba, 310.
Swamis, 31.
Roy, Rammohun, 24.
Sweat-Born, The, 226.
Rusalky, (Water Sprites), 45.
Swedenborgianism, 19, 20, 37, 119, 263.
Ruskin, John, 292.
Symbolism, 217 ff.
Syncretism of Theosophy, 13.
Sabbath, The, 215.
Saccas, Ammonius, 12, 14, 119.
Tarot of the Bohemians, 15, 119.
Saltus, Edgar, 192.
Tauler, John, 15.
Samadhi, 284.
Teleology, 217, 236.
Samuel (The Prophet), 130.
Tertullian, 119.
Satan, 39, 212, 213, 218.
Thales, 6, 7, 119.
Satyrs, 256.
Thaumaturgy, 39.
Theurgy, 39, 142, 143.
Wachtmeister, Countess Constance, 43,
Thoreau, Henry, 28.
86, 87, 122, 187, 188, 190, 193.
Tibet, 148, 150.
Wadia, P. B., 326.
Tingley, Katherine, 320 ff.
Waldenses, The, 15.
Titans, The, 228 ff. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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