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paralyzed, and killed. This is now proven. The damages are additive and
summative with each vaccination given. The organ, tissue, and brain
damages have been clinically silent, - until now.
You may now see, with your own eyes and understanding, amongst your
own family and loved ones,. Evidence now before the United States federal
Circuit Courts on vaccine injuries proves that we have ALL been harmed,
and are being harmed, by this universal one-size-fits-all vaccination
program. Some of this evidence is compiled in an educational 3 disk, 6 hour
DVD series entitled: "Tolerance Lost - Volumes 1 to 3.
The Tolerance Lost DVD series, a USA vaccine legal exemption guidebook,
and a evidence of harm materials are available
at www.BrainGuardMD.com, , or by
calling 1-877-NOW-I-CAN .
For answers, solutions, assessment, and help - please contact us directly at
CAN . www.Therapies4Kids.com, www.BrightStepsForward.org.
There are ways to address the MASS problem and to enable healing to occur
even for those that have been damaged. This does not require placing
foreign substances or synthetic drugs in the human body - MASS FLO2
LIFE is where the answers must start.
God heals, and the doctor collects the fee. We have reached a time, in
history, that we must return to paying fees to the master physician as the
medical sciences, in dogma and discourse, has clearly led us a stray.
"Be the change we must see in the worldSone Bright Step Forward at a
The global vaccination program is an evil deed, perpetrated by mankind
against mankind, for profit, based on a fallible man made tool ('scientific
method") that can just as soon convince you that the what you see with your
own eyes is not true as it can be wielded to "prove" the non-existence of G-
These vaccines, as it turns out, are like a maddening wine, which political
leaders and "Kings" of the earth have enabled merchants of the planet to
grow rich from, at the expense of our collective health and wellness.
The next issue of Spectrum magazine will contain more of the empirical, see
for yourself, data and science to explain how this has happened, why it is
happening, and what we must now do to help us all.
Matthew 13:41 "The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall
gather out of his kingdom all things that offend them which do iniquity.
These autism children are Angels. These vaccines are iniquity. The evidence
now before you beckons your spirit, body, mind, and soul to "come out of
her my people" as you see God's desire and character more clearly. Mystery,
Babylon the Great.
Without Faith, without hope, we are lost. Faith and hope can be found.
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD
BrainGuardMD.com "12-IMAM"
Therapies4Kids.com ; BrightStepsForward.org
1-877-NOW-I-CAN for assessment and help
VacTRUTH Author's Note:
Other articles and media concerning Dr. Andrew Moulden:
1. Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
2. Video interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
3. See how the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine caused the same general response in
the body in which Dr. Andrew Moulden is referring to in this article.
Copyright Vaccine Research Project. All Rights Reserved. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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