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that the concept of an actual person can be imagined as clearly as if it were someone known In
the everyday life of the magician. More fully to create this concept, the following devices have
been found to be extremely effective:
Upon retiring, review the events of the day with particular reference to the situations in which
one has been involved with other people. Consider how the Anima would have acted in the
same circumstances, bearing in mind that her attitudes are opposite and complementary to those
of the ego. Create a mental cinema in which the Anima is seen clearly to be Involved in the
situation in question and where her interaction with the other people concerned is perfectly
The second of the techniques is to stage an imaginary debate between oneself and the Anima
over a subject for which one feels a strong and passionate conviction. Again, the important point
to realise is that She represents the complementary viewpoint. If, far example, one's ideas are
progressive and radical, those of the Anima will be conservative and traditionalist. The ideal way
to conduct this debate is to place two chairs in the centre of the room and to sit in one while
imagining the Anima seated in the opposite. The debate should be concluded by neither side
having fully conceded to the attitudes of the Other but by both having seen the relative truth in
the opposing belief of the other.
After a while the Anima will become established as a permanent facet of the psyche. The sure
signs of success are when she appears spontaneously in dreams and visions, giving valuable
insights to the magician. Indeed, a valuable adjunct to this is deliberately to induce dreams in
which she appears by autosuggestion before falling asleep.
Those who still feel the need for the traditional trappings of ceremonial magick may employ the
classical aids of robes, incenses and altars. In this case the Rite would be One of Evocation as it
involves the separation and development of an aspect of the Microcosm rather than the
invocation of Macrocosmic Energies. If the traditional techniques are used, the Anima should be
constrained to appear astrally in the Triangle of Evocation. - In this case ( as in most others )
evocation to visible appearance is totally unnecessary as the Anima fulfils her true function on on
Astral level. I would assume that most readers of this article are beyond the level of Magickal
immaturity where One needs physical phenomena to validate the results of one's Magickal
workings. Far better to concentrate on one's Initiation and leave the fork-bending to Uri Geller.
Once established in the psyche of the magician, the Anima will play an important role in his
future development. She will develop an autonomous Identity of her own and will manifest in the
inner life of the magician at times when her complementary viewpoint to that of the ego is most
Followers of the Left Hand Path will immediately see her value in the workings of Mercurial
Magick. Indeed, her ultimate role is that of the Priestess in the technique of dream magick
described by Kenneth Grant in chapter II of his Cults of the Shadow where she assumes the
role of the Shadow Woman far more effectively than an image of merely erotic ap peal, being
the true Chayva or Shade of the True Will.
If the Magician is fortunate, he will eventually come into contact with a Priestess in whose aura
he is able to Project fully and incarnate his Anima. Crowley, as his encounters with his various
animal initiators - the 'Dog', the 'Cat' and the 'Ape' - Indicate was Only partially Successful in
that his priestesses incarnated never more than fragments of his total psyche. His Anima
(symbolised as Babalon ) never found a permanent home. Up until now, my own success has
been of a similarly partial nature. I am, however, still young enough for hope to remain.
This article is not based on theorising philosophy or metaphysical speculation but Outlines an
empirical technique which has proved of immense value to myself. It is hoped that Others may
also benefit from what has been written. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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