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coming in direct contact with it.
"Ohhhhhhh ... shit, Cindy," she cried, "You're driving my pussy crazy.
Do something more to it ... to me, baby ... HURRY!"
Two fingers slipped into her cunt and massaged the slick inner walls. When they were removed a
tongue took their place. To Candy it felt like a giant scooping spoon as it entered along the floor of her
vagina and coursed upward until it tickled the fleshy knob of her cervix.
Her hips started a demanding, rhythmic gyration, as Cindy's tongue foraged in and out of her hole like a
miniature cock. A cock with ultimate mobility that seemed to touch and excite everything inside her at
the same time. Well-lubricated fingers entered her anus easily and performed there as well as they had in
her larger opening.
As her tongue continued its spastic application, Cindy flattened the skin of her upper lip over her teeth to
form a flat, hard surface to grind against Candy's clitoris. The hardened bud was in such a state of wild
excitation that it was yearning now for direct contact.
And so did its owner, whose eyes had rolled back into her head as she thrashed in the ultimate throes of
passionate release, back and forth on the perspiration-stained pillows.
"Oh, fuck me ... go, go, go!" Candy cried, clutching her sister's hair and pulling her face into the cavity
between her legs. Urgingly, she thrust her cunt upward with her hips, telling Cindy with her body that she
wanted her to take more, more, all of her cunt.
Candy's thighs were splayed as wide as they could go as she tried to will her cunt lips to expand to their
fullest and actually envelop her sister's entire face.
It wasn't just a come. It was the searing heat of a blast furnace that soared through every pore of her
pussy. Her legs flew out and up, stiff as ramrods as Cindy inserted two more fingers in her asshole and
her tongue continued to scoop with adoring relish at the juices in her cunt.
It wasn't momentary. It went on and on, as Cindy held her on that highest peak of total satisfaction with
her lips playing over her clitoris like strumming fingers on a guitar.
When the orgasm had barely subsided, Cindy struggled up and over Candy's body until their legs
became two criss-crossed branches with their cunts at the apex.
"Now I'm going to fuck my, my little darling!" Cindy said.
"OHHHHHHHH ... yes, fuck me ... YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME!" Candy cried. "Cunt to cunt ...
cock-clit to cock-clit, FUCK ME! Mash your precious pussy against another just like it and rub ...
Candy felt her twin's clitoris engage with her own. Sparks shot from her cunt to the taut tips of her
breasts as the two nubs of female passion met and made instant love.
Below them, the lips of the two pussies seemed to clasp in a wet suction all their own. Their bodies
moved in unison, riding each other's wealth of lust and passion.
Candy came again. She had never felt so overcome. Cindy came and still she went on to even greater
heights. She took her sister's monumental breasts in her hands, placed one in her own mouth, and urged
Candy herself to take the other.
As Cindy's hot mouth closed over the ripe nipple of her right tit, Candy sucked at her own left breast.
The pleasure was exquisite as they both sucked and exploded together in shattering orgasms that left
them weak and floundering in the sweet, heady musk of perspiration and pussy juice that bathed both
their bodies.
"God," Candy groaned, "sometimes I wish one of us had come out a boy so we could really do it to
each other."
"Whew," Cindy said, running her tongue over her lips and what she could reach of her chin, "I'm pussy
juice from one end to the other. Me for a bath."
"Me too," Candy said, and struggled to her feet.
"Meet you downstairs in an hour," Cindy said, as she scampered through the connecting door to her
own room.
Candy lowered herself gratefully into the tub, her cunt a nest of warm passion even after the beautiful
sucking her sister had just given it.
She closed her eyes and lay back feeling her large, ripe breasts float on the surface of the water.
Chapter 6
Back in her own room, Cindy stood shaking. It was almost like a sexual hangover. She and her sister
were just alike; they both couldn't get enough sex. It was just like some kind of strange disease; but a
good disease.
Eating her sister had turned her juices on all over again. She didn't want to go back to the hairbrush and
it would do little good to go back to Candy's room and repeat the same performance.
She decided to slide into bed and dream herself into a masturbation come. She had so turned her pussy
on and tuned it to her mind over the years that she could come easily just thinking about sex and rubbing
her thighs together over the nub of her clitoris.
Cindy opened a drawer and took out a nightgown. Then, thinking why bother, she folded it neatly and
dropped it back in the drawer. Completely naked, she turned and padded barefoot across the thickly
carpeted floor to her bed.
She pulled back the covers and slid beneath them. Then she changed her mind again and kicked them
free of her body. She massaged one breast with her left hand and let her other hand float down to the
furry patch between her spread thighs.
Slowly, gently she rubbed her fingers up and down her wet furrow as she closed her eyes and let sleep
slip a cover over her mind. She saw a cock, and then a second cock. In half sleep she inserted a finger
up her bunghole and imagined that it was one of the cocks entering her asshole. Her thumb became the
other cock and it went easily up her cunt.
Then, fully asleep, she started to dream that she was being fucked. The face beyond the cocks was
familiar. Then, she recognized it and smiled. It was the face of her new-found father.
* * *
In her bath, Candy had slipped to the very edge of sleep. She was brought back by the sound of slightly
shuffling, bare feet on the bathroom tile. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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