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armies of the undead were another Pracchia gambit . . . How could that be?
All the High Nine but Ko Feng had been killed at the Battle of Palmisano, or
earlier. Both the west and Shinsan had made every effort to eradicate
subsidiary nines following the war.
Lord Ssu-ma thought he would very much like to land a force on that island
and see what had been left behind. The Pracchia conspirators had controlled
some interesting sorceries. Lord Ko had been unable to salvage any. Most had
been under the aegis of one Magden Norath, a renegade Escalonian who had
guarded his secrets well.
Shih-ka i made a quick inspection circuit of the fortress.
Preparations were proceeding perfectly, if too slowly to soothe his nerves.
He took a deep breath.  Pan ku, let s see what s happening in the mountains.
Year 1016afe
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MIST WAS ABOUT to retire when a nervous servant announced that the King
wanted to see her.  He s here? she asked, startled.
 We had him wait in the library, My Lady. The woman s tone conveyed a plea
for understanding. The monarch could not be told to come back when his visit
would be more convenient. Astounding enough that he should just drop in off
the street, though this King was uniquely plebeian in his habits.
 What does he want?
 He wouldn t say, My Lady.
Moths gamboled about in Mist s stomach. This had a bad smell.  Tell him I ll
be right down. See if he ll take some brandy.
 Certainly, My Lady. Shall I waken Marta?
 I ll dress myself. She took her time, composing herself by chanting verses
from the Soldier s Ritual used by the warriors of her homeland. She did not
leave her bedchamber till she was convinced that she was in complete
 You re out late, she observed as she entered the library. A tic of
irritation pulled at one eye. Her warmth sounded false in her own ears.
The King scanned her quickly, his gaze impersonal. He was unimpressed by her
beauty. She always felt inadequate in his presence: felt like she had a great
hairy mole on the end of her nose or a livid scar across her cheek. He and
Michael Trebilcock and Varthlokkur were all immune to her carefully crafted
looks. Weird and frightening that so many such men should surround her, making
treacherous the ground on which she was accustomed to operate, leaving her
uncertain and inclined to become flustered . . .
 I was over at my house. I wanted to see you. Thought I d save a trip and do
it now.
 You look exhausted.
 I had a rough day. Excuse my manners. They may not be what they should.
Her preparations were inadequate. Already she was growing flustered. She
gobbled,  What s on your mind? and was immediately dismayed. She hadn t
wanted to be so direct.
 Just call me curious about what you and Aral are up to.
Damn, she thought. She managed to mask her surprise.  Up to? What do you
 Let s say I ve noticed the coming together of what appear to be the elements
of a  situation. I always try to be reasonable. Thought I d give you a chance
to explain before I got excited.
 So? The moths were back. Brandishing tusks dripping venom. Suddenly, she
understood why Varthlokkur was in town. If Bragi thought he needed his back
covered, he wassure . . .
Page 67
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 These are the ingredients: One exiled Princess of Shinsan, minus the
tempering influence of a good man who fell at Palmisano. One young merchant of
considerable wealth and influence, perhaps bedazzled. From the staff of Lord
Hsung s Western Army, Tervola who remain secret supporters of the Princess in
Mist held her breath. How could he know that? That damned Trebilcock! He
really did have somebody inside Lord Hsung s headquarters. She d hoped she was
wrong about that.
 Interestingly enough, these ingredients have come together just when my
spies tell me Shinsan has been caught with what looks like an explosive crisis
on its Matayangan frontier.
Gods! Did he know everything? Did Trebilcock have an agent here in the house?
 A handy distraction, the King continued.  Now, if you were me, wouldn t all
those things make you wonder?
He spoke with an odd formality. Rather like a magistrate, she thought. His
voice was tight. His gaze wandered nervously, but she was too distracted to
seize and use his discomfort. She drifted away inside herself, trying to
select a response which would not compromise her ambitions. Finally,  You re
right. I was approached by people inside Shinsan. By a traditionalist faction
opposed to Lord Kuo s penchant for change, and disturbed by the empire s
increasing instability. I m the last living descendant of the founder, Tuan
Hua. I was shaped during the Dual Principiate of the Princes Thaumaturge. They
think I could reimpose old-fashioned stability and values, given a chance. So
far it s just been talk. I don t think anything will come of it.
 Why not?
 I ve been approached before. These groups never have enough power or
influence. And what they really want, instead of what they say they want, is a
figurehead. A legitimate pretender who can assume their sins after they re in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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