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the latter part of life, the twelfth shows the sorrow which impresses us
with the worthlessness of material things and the eighth indicates the na-
ture of our exit from the world's stage.
An illustration may further help the student to understand how the heav-
ens influence our life through the twelve houses. Suppose we are out driv-
ing and our road follows the seacoast, but a mile or so inland. A breeze is
blowing from the ocean and as it passes over the country separating us from
the sea, it brings upon invisible wings messages from that land, which evoke
pleasure or aversion according to their nature. In one place, an aroma of
new mown hay fills us with delight; perhaps we are nauseated by the noxious
smell of jasmine on the next stretch of our journey; and later become really
ill from the stench of stagnant marsh-water. But then we enter a forest,
and soon its grateful pine balm restores the normal health and spirits.
In our journey from the cradle to the grave we carry the twelve houses
with us in the auric atmosphere surrounding us, as the air envelops the fly-
ing earth. Each house mirrors part of the life; each holds some of our life
lessons; each represents how we have worked or shirked before in a given de-
partment of life's tasks. At the appropriate time of life we reap from each
house what we have sown in past lives, that is, unless we forestall the har-
vest in time. Is our eleventh house afflicted, do friends betray and for-
sake us, do they leave us heartsick, or nauseate us like the scent of jas-
mine and stagnant marsh-water? Then let us examine the horoscope for it
reveals what is hidden in our auric atmosphere. The friends sensed us, and
we then, through the eleventh angle, and something ill-smelling must be
there. It may be, we long to be befriended, more than to befriend others.
Let us cease to be like the sickly, debilitating jasmine, and seek to
manifest the sturdy strength of the invigorating pine tree; then we shall
find friend flocking around, admiring our strength. Not all have such
sturdy natures, but we can attract equally by kindliness, as soothing to
sorrowing hearts as perfume of new mown hay to the sense, and thus we may
rid the house of friends of affliction.
After the foregoing explanations, the houses may now be said to influence
the affairs of life as follows:
FIRST HOUSE rules the physical body and its constitution and appearance; it
determines conditions in the childhood home while the person is under con-
trol of the parents.
SECOND HOUSE rules money, the financial fortunes; it shows what the person
acquires by individual effort and to a certain extent what use he will make
of it.
THIRD HOUSE rules brothers and sisters, neighbors, the instinctual mind,
writings, short journeys and conveyances of travel.
FOURTH HOUSE--That one of the parents who exercises the lesser influence in
the person's life, conditions in the latter part of life, houses, lands,
mines; everything pertaining to the earth.
FIFTH HOUSE--Love, courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate and ille-
gitimate attraction and social intercourse between the sexes prior to wed-
lock; children, education institutions, books and newspapers, sports and
amusements, stocks and speculations.
SIXTH HOUSE--Health, service to be rendered by the person and also the con-
dition and faithfulness of those who serve him.
SEVENTH HOUSE--The marriage partner, the public in general, competitors,
partners, opponents in litigations, rivals.
EIGHTH HOUSE--Death, legacies, the marriage partner's finances, occult
abilities and faculties latent but nearly ready for manifestation.
NINTH HOUSE--Religion, spiritual experiences and aspirations, dreams and vi-
sions, long travels and law.
TENTH HOUSE--The parent who exercises most influence in the person's life,
the honor and social standing of the person, his employer or judge, and the
ELEVENTH HOUSE--Friends, companions and well-wishers, hopes, wishes and as-
pirations, generally of a material nature, also stepchildren.
TWELFTH HOUSE--Confinement in hospitals or prison, secret enemies and plots;
sorrow and self undoing.
On either side of the Sun's path there are a number of fixed stars which
are so grouped that they may be conceived as forming twelve constellations,
and as they have certain characteristic influences ancient sages named them
for the animals which express similar traits. These constellations are
called the NATURAL Zodiac and for all practical purposes it may be said that
they occupy permanent positions relative to the other fixed stars of the
firmament. This circle is divided into twelve sections starting at the
first degree of Aries, which is occupied by the Sun at the vernal equinox.
On account of the precession of the equinox the Sun does not cross the
equator at the same point each year, but it has been found that the first 30
degrees from the point where the Sun does cross the equator at the equinox
have an effect similar to that ascribed to the constellation Aries; the
next thirty degrees radiate a Taurian influence and so on with the other ten
sections of thirty degrees each. Therefore the twelve sections measured
from the vernal equinox are used exclusively in Astrology and called SIGNS
of the Zodiac, to differentiate them from the CONSTELLATIONS. (For a thor-
ough elucidation of the subject see "Simplified Scientific Astrology," under
the caption "Intellectual Zodiac.")
These twelve signs of the Zodiac are variously divided according to their
effect on humanity into Cardinal, Fixed and Common signs, also into Fiery,
Earthy, Airy and Watery signs. What their influences are we shall endeavor
to elucidate in the following sections.
Keyword "Activity"
The Cardinal Signs are ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN. These signs
are called Cardinal because when the Sun is in them he is in one of the four
corners of the heavens; at a turning-point, where he is forced to take an-
other direction. In Aries he is as far EAST as he can go; Cancer is the
tropical point of the NORTH where he gives the PERPENDICULAR RAY at the Sum-
mer Solstice, and consequently the greatest HEAT. Libra is the extreme
WESTERN point of his path, where he turns away from the Northern Hemisphere,
and in midwinter, at Christmas, he is in Capricorn at the farthest point
SOUTH, where his HORIZONTAL RAY leaves the people of the North in winter's
icy grip. The effect of the angels, the first, fourth, seventh and tenth
houses, is similar to the effect of the cardinal signs because these houses
are at the East, North, West and South points of the horoscope. The nature
and effect of cardinal signs and angles may be summed up in the words "Ac-
tion" and "Initiative" (though each acts differently from the others,)
therefore planets placed in cardinal signs and angles give zest to life ac-
cording to the nature of the particular planet, sign and angle.
"Zodiac" means a circle of animals. The symbols of three of the cardinal
signs are animalistic: ARIES, the Ram; CANCER, the Crab; and CAPRICORN, the
Goat. The fourth , Libra, the Scales, represents the ideal towards which
this class must strive. None need poise so much as those under the impul-
sive influence of the cardinal ray; therefore the Balance was set in the
heavens to direct their aspirations.
Keyword "Stability"
The Fixed Signs are TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS. Three symbols of
the fixed signs are also bestial, violent and virulent; TAURUS, the Bull;
LEO, the Lion; and SCORPIO, the Scorpion. The human figure of AQUARIUS, the
Waterbearer, shows us the ideal towards which this class must strive. In-
stead of fighting, preying upon, or poisoning others in the struggle for ex-
istence they must learn to become humane, to be friends to all instead of
foes. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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