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without concentrating at all; she knew she could hear them if she could just figure out how.
Sanctuary 79
And finally, she felt them. It wasn't exactly hearing, more of just tuning in to a collective
consciousness. She just knew. Logan had them all stopped and poised to slip in past the bears'
Logan stopped and grabbed her arm.  Now we walk.
Elijah whispered,  They'll be expecting us.
 Where's Timothy?
Elijah raised his arm, and from the trees to the left a figure suddenly appeared. This man
was smaller than Logan and Elijah, lean and compact. His face was stone-cold, and she couldn't
imagine a smile ever lightening those dark features. Dark, straight hair fell to below his
shoulders, and tattoos covered his arms, his throat, and probably half his body.
He looked like the type of man who wouldn't mind murdering someone in their sleep. Or
out of it, for that matter. Uncomfortable, Kimberlyn looked away.
 Protect the healer, Timothy.
She shivered at the cold heat of desire as Logan's arm brushed her shoulder. Wanting him
wasn't logical, and her need wasn't scurrying for cover just because they were in danger.
Timothy didn't glance at her, just nodded sharply at Logan's words. They moved carefully,
silently, through the dark forest, until at last, the glint of firelight flashed through the trees. Her
hands shook, the guns seeming too small for hunting bear. The wolf pack crept at her back,
imaginary touches pushing her onward.
When she saw them, black spots danced in the air around her, and she feared for a moment
she might faint.
The werebears stood like stone sentinels in a semicircle, watchful and silent,
foreshadowing terror and hidden dark things she couldn't bear to know.
 They're so enormous, she whispered.  So huge.
Long snouts turned toward her voice, and she cringed. Could they possibly have heard her?
Despite the firelight and the bright moon, the bears' features seemed fuzzy to even her sharp eye.
Still, she could see long, narrow faces, and claws that were half as long as her forearm. They
stood on hind legs, waiting, watching. They knew.
 Hush, Kimberlyn.
80 Cassidy Hunter
Only the fact that Logan still held her arm kept her from screaming and running. Stunned,
she stared at the nightmare beasts, feeling Logan searching for Andrew.
Nausea curled from her stomach into her throat, bile burning like acid disgust, and she
pushed a cold fist against her teeth. The scene was as unreal as a storybook fantasy, terrible in its
 Take a deep breath, Kimberlyn. I'd forgotten that you've never seen one of them before.
Remember, together we're strong. They can't hurt us as easily as they have in the past.
 Do they know that? she whispered.
He shrugged.  I don't know what they know.
Acrid smoke from an unseen fire drifted to her, and she drew its burn deep into her lungs,
closing her eyes at the normalcy of that scent. And though the thought made her feel weak, she
embraced it anyway. Logan would take care of her.
 I say we have a traitor in the pack, Elijah growled.
 Shhhh, Logan cautioned.
She breathed deeply, wishing she could shift. As a wolf, she wouldn't be so afraid. But she
understood now why the bears would be difficult to fight without weapons.
 What happens now? she asked.
The bears roared and ran toward the wolves. Elijah caught her as she screamed and ripped
her arm from Logan's grasp and then stumbled backward. He held her arm and slapped her,
nearly hard enough to bruise her cheek.
The pain brought her out of her fear, and she stared up at him, furious.  Bastard. And
before he could close his open mouth, she punched him. His nose gave a satisfying crunch, and
blood splattered her face.  How's that for fighting like a girl?
Elijah drew back a meaty fist, but Logan's voice stopped him.  Enough.
Elijah swiped the back of his hand across his nose and glared at her.
 Now, both of you, get the fuck ready.
Kimberlyn shook her head, dislodging and releasing the remainder of dazed fear. Taking a
deep breath, she lifted her gun and found a cold, clear place inside her head. She was one of their
leaders now. She would not disgrace herself further.
Sanctuary 81
She couldn't see her wolves but knew they were near. The ground shook from the charge of
the bears, and she waited, finger on the trigger.
As though they knew exactly where the wolves waited, the bears stopped fifteen feet away.
 Logan, one of them called.  We will talk.
The speaker stepped forward, a huge, shaggy beast who wore power like a thick suit. That
he could talk was wrong, unnatural. Civilized speech coming from that deformed, hideous face
left her mind, for a long moment, in chaos.
Logan's jaw clenched.  You can't win this, Connor. Give Andrew to me, and I won't kill
Connor laughed, his gravelly voice showing how unimpressed he was.  We always win,
wolf. But I'm not here to fight. I'm here to negotiate an end to the fighting.
Kimberlyn was afraid to move. She didn't want to draw the slightest attention to herself.
Logan stepped forward, and the two leaders advanced upon each other with slow, careful steps.
Kimberly shivered. She stared at Logan's back, hoping he wouldn't move too far away. Elijah's
arm bumped her shoulder, and without thinking, she put her gun in the crook of her left arm and
slid her fingers into his hand.
For a moment they shared a quick, surprised look, and embarrassed, she started to tug her
hand from his. His fingers tightened, and staring stonily ahead, he refused to let her go.
Bolder, she stepped forward.  I'm not letting him face them alone, she murmured, and
was unsurprised when Elijah, still with her hand in his, walked with her to Logan's side.
Logan glanced at them, then did a double take at their clasped hands. Elijah smoothly slid
his hand from hers at Logan's look, but he met Logan's level gaze with a cool one of his own.
 Well, well, Connor said.  It seems the rumors are true. You've found yourself a lady.
Pretty little thing. What's your name, puppy?
As if he didn't know. She remained silent and even managed to meet his gaze with what
she hoped was enough calmness to fool him. She had to look up, way up, to meet those small,
cold eyes.  Courage, Kimberlyn, she whispered.
Logan gave her a hard look.
 Trouble with your harem, Logan?
82 Cassidy Hunter
 Just get on with it. What negotiations?
Even the crickets quieted to listen, and Kimberlyn held her breath at the sudden pregnant
 I'll trade you Andrew for Sanctuary. You and your pack can go wherever you want, as
long as it's not here. And you never come back. If you agree, he lives. If you don't, he dies. And
so does the rest of your pack.
Sanctuary 83
Chapter Fifteen
Logan clenched his fists, his face pale. Kimberlyn closed her eyes. At least Andrew was
alive. And at least Logan hadn't offered to trade her for him.
Melancholy suddenly choked her. She was going to lose Sanctuary before she'd even had a
chance to want it.
 No, Logan said.
Kimberlyn's gasp was like a rifle shot in the still night air, but she sensed no surprise from
anyone else. Elijah cautioned her with a hand to her back, and Logan gave away his emotions
only by the tightness around his eyes. Kimberlyn could feel his agony and the weight of his
But Connor ignored him. He held up a furry, claw-tipped paw and said,  Oh. Also, I'll be
willing to share the healer with you and your pack. She'll belong to both of us. Dual citizenship,
so to speak. How's that for fair?
Connor's smile was an ugly caricature.  I'll give you a few minutes to discuss things with
your pack.
 I don't need to discuss things.
The huge black bear tilted his head.  Lori. Gwen. Bring him.
The women were as huge and hideous as the males. Something about them, maybe the way
they dragged Andrew between them with such indifference, made them look even more brutal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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