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are the psychological representations of such knowledge.
Because you now distrust the imagination so, you do not understand the great clues
it gives you, both in terms of problem solving and of creative expression. Many quite
valid reincarnational memories come as imaginings, but you do not trust them. A
good percentage of your problems can be worked out rather easily through the use of
your imagination.
You can employ it very constructively... freely imagine a situation in which you are
happy. ... You are to realize that this imaginative world does exist-but not in the world
of facts that you know. ...begin to draw to you whatever equivalent is possible for you
within the world of facts that you know.
... realize that on all levels you are biologically and psychologically connected with
that greater identity that is your own.
No matter what your current situation, the answers lie within your own aspirations
and abilities.
(use of imagination)... do so in a playful manner ... often your freewheeling, "silly,"
seemingly unrealistic imagination will bring you quite practical solutions to your
problems, for if the exercise is done properly you will be automatically releasing
yourself from restrictions that you have taken for granted.
Because your imagination transcends time, it is one of your greatest touchstones to
your own identity.
... physical reality springs from the imagination, which follows the path of your
beliefs... ...the other-dimensional information will often appear in ordinary guise,
through an intuitive hunch, a sudden idea, or some solution that has already occurred
to you but has not been acted upon.
Such work with the imagination acts as a trigger, however, drawing information to you
from other levels of your greater reality, and concentrating it on the specific problem
at hand. It will then appear in terms understandable to your own experience.
In itself, such an exercise creatively alters probabilities, for you no longer live with the
problem as an unchanging concrete reality. This is a psychological and psychic
impetus, altering the message that you habitually send to your body and to its cellular
The dream world operates as a creative situation in which probable acts are instantly
materialized, laid out in actual or symbolic form. From these you then choose the
most appropriate for physical expression. There are other important reasons for
Your moods and emotions have greater mobility in the dream state. ... Disconnected
from their usual daily attraction to physical events, your emotions will often form their
own landscapes.
As you create and experience your daily life through your personal feelings and
beliefs, so the same applies to dream reality.
There...your thoughts and feelings become "instantly" alive, springing up one upon
another, coming full blown as it were. The dream world exists in terms of energy
also... but simply at ranges that are not physically obvious. Much of your interior
creative work and planning is done at this level.
...take the normally conscious "I" into the dream state... means that you are far better
able to utilize unconscious knowledge, and also to acquaint the unconscious with
your present physical situation.
... can bring you in contact with wisdom you have been denying yourself ... Even the
decision to try such a venture is beneficial...
[in dreams] Spread out before you in great profusion, you will find not only any
problems but their solutions.
In physical terms it may take some time before your conscious mind accepts or
recognizes a diagnosis given in a dream. It may come to you later in altered form as
a hunch or sudden intuition, or an urge for action. If you do not trust yourself you may
ignore such impetuses and not take advantage of the answers.
The enlightened conscious mind is always alert for such messages. ... you can
request... certain dreams, certain solutions and therefore shortening the time, so to
speak, that may be involved otherwise.
While your beliefs do structure much of your dream activity, other issues are also
involved simply because the focus of your awareness is not acutely directed toward
physical reality, but is only opaquely concerned with it.
In the dream state you allow yourself greater freedom, trying out certain ideas and
beliefs in this more plastic framework. You may therefore accept new beliefs initially
in the dream state, and the intellectual or emotional realization may only come "later".
In dreaming, the conscious mind itself is far more lenient and playful (i.e. it is also
participating/involved, added by me).
The earth-tuned consciousness must deal with the space-time context, for only inside
this framework can it clearly perceive events. In the dream state consciousness
ignores space-time relationships to a large degree, ... you perceive yourself running,
The orientation is that of sense data lived most vividly, and yet, again, at an opaque
angle. In other words, in most dreams data is still being received and interpreted in
the light of corporeal life. These are the dreams most remembered also.
Images as you think of them are based upon your own neurological structure, and
your interpretations of these. When you consider survival after death, for instance,
you imagine all the senses fully operating,... Perception without images seems
impossible in that context. Yet in some dream situations you enter a state of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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