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changing the subject.
 Yep, I did, and I rushed home because there is something I
really want to talk to you about.
 Oh, honey, I m sorry I wasn t here when you got home. I m all
ears now.
Tristan poured Claire and herself a cup of coffee and sat down at
the kitchen table.  I was thinking about this on the way home
today, Claire. I have to tell you ... I ... umm ... Tristan s
nervousness was evident, and Claire reached across the table and
took Tristan s shaking hand into her own.
 I ve never discussed this with anyone, and it s so hard. Tristan
bowed her head, struggling with what she knew must come next.
 Is it about your mother? Claire asked, trying to help.
 No, it s not about her at all. Claire, I love you with all my heart.
Will you move in with me? Tristan blurted out in a burst of
words, knowing if she didn t get it out quickly, she would lose her
Claire tucked her fingers underneath Tristan s chin and lifted
slightly until Tristan s nervous eyes met her own.  Are you really
Robin Alexander
in love with me, Tristan, because I am head over heels in love with
Tristan smiled faintly.  I ve never been truly in love, so I have
nothing to compare it to. I can tell you, though, that I ve never felt
anything like this in my entire life.
Claire jumped up from her chair and settled on Tristan s lap.  I
love you, too, sweetie, and I would love to move in with you.
Tristan buried her face in Claire s chest and breathed a sigh of
 I do think we need to discuss a few things, though, Claire said
as Tristan looked up at her.  If you re ready, I d like you to tell me
about your mother. I know it s hard to talk about, but I want to
know how to deal with Mallory should she ever show up here
Tristan nodded and reached for her cigarettes.  Up until recently,
I ve never told a soul about my childhood. She painfully
explained the same things about her mother that she told Lucy. It
was still a struggle but less of an effort this time around. Claire
openly wept as Tristan relived the trauma.
 How could anyone treat her child that way? Claire asked as
tears poured down her face.
 I would like to know the answer to that and a million others. I
think part of it was she was jealous of the relationship I had with
my dad. We were always so close, and she was always left out,
mostly of her own choosing. Tristan wiped her eyes.  I m a
grown woman now, and I can t let the ghosts of the past rule my
life. My first step was allowing you to get close to me, and I am so
glad I did.
 Tris, while we re bearing our souls, I need to tell you the truth
about what I did today. I went to the police with the pictures and
letters. The detective is going ...
 You did what? Tristan jumped up from the table, nearly
throwing Claire to the floor.  Why ... Why did you go behind my
Claire was shocked by Tristan s reaction.  Baby, I didn t go
behind your back. I decided on the spur of the moment, and I went
before I lost my nerve. Besides, I felt it was something I needed to
do on my own.
Murky Waters
Tristan stood staring at Claire, her eyes easily conveying the hurt
and betrayal she felt. Claire got up and took her into her arms.
 I m sorry, love. If I d known that it was this important to you, I
would have taken you with me. She felt Tristan s arms encircle
her, but her body remained rigid. Claire closed her eyes and
silently prayed that she had not set their relationship back by her
Claire spent the evening trying to make it up to Tristan. Tristan
verbally accepted her apology, but Claire could tell there was
something brewing behind her brown eyes. Later that evening as
they lay in bed, both trying to sleep with the specter of hurt
feelings hanging heavily upon them, Tristan confirmed for Claire
that she did indeed still want her to move in. It was her first
attempt to get back to the happy decision they made earlier in the
 If you would prefer, we can use your sofa, and I can move mine
into the storage room. Whatever belongings you have that you
would like to see in this house, feel free to tell me where you want
them, and I will move my stuff out of the way. I want this to look
and feel like your home, too, Claire. All I ask is that you leave the
storage room to me. It hurts to go in there. That s the real reason I
have it locked. Dad s stuff is in there.
Claire rolled over and lay her head on Tristan s shoulder.  Then,
that will be your room, Tris. I have no reason to go in there. I
wouldn t want to invade something you keep so private anyway.
Robin Alexander
Tristan decided to spend the remainder of the weekend relaxing
with Claire. She had put off finishing her weekly reports until
Monday and regretted that decision when her alarm went off at
four-thirty that morning. She looked over at Claire, who was
sleeping peacefully, and did not have the heart to wake her up.
Knowing Claire didn t have to be at work until eight, Tristan let
her sleep in.
Claire awoke later when she heard a sound in the room. She was
aware that Tristan had already left, and she could sense that she
was not alone. She lay very still, hoping against hope that she was
wrong. She barely opened her eyes and scanned what she could
see of the room without moving. Every muscle in her body
screamed in protest. Claire tensed when her eyes met his. Both
waited for the other to make the first move. She reasoned in her
head that if she sprung up first, she would at least have the element
of surprise on her side.
His pupils began to dilate. Claire knew he had the same thought.
As he jumped into action, she sat straight up. His tooth caught her
across the bridge of the nose, and Claire fell back onto the bed in
pain. As she lay there with tears streaming from her eyes, she saw
him prance across the room, his little orange tail held high in
victory. The score was cat one, Claire zero. His victory would be a
hollow one because today Claire would toss his favorite catnip toy
down the garbage disposal.
Tristan noticed the small cut immediately when Claire arrived at
work.  What happened to your nose? Are you okay?
Claire frowned.  Ralph happened to my nose. I was lying in bed
this morning, and he decided to act as my alarm clock. He
pounced on my face and bit me!
Murky Waters
Tristan tried her best not to laugh and add insult to injury. She
comforted Claire as best she could under the circumstances;
however, she quickly returned to her office, where she could be
heard laughing hysterically.
The events of the morning did distract Claire for a while, but
before long, her thoughts went back to Lauren and Mike. She
watched them through the glass walls of her office. She could not
fathom how either of them could be a stalker. Claire took into
account that she didn t really know much about them personally.
She figured that anyone could work next to a person for years and
not really know him or her.
Claire studied Lauren s profile as Lauren typed on her computer,
unaware that she was being scrutinized. Claire wondered if the
slightly overweight young woman would be capable of scurrying
around snapping pictures cloaked in darkness. Her young and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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